Thanks for all the input everyone. For now, I think it will be easiest for me just to implement a word filter on listings to be uploaded to google products. Just so you know these are the words (in the title) that will cause a listing to be filtered out: Shipping, Policies, Feedback, Info, Sizing, Pricing, Update. Please let me know if you think of any other words that should be filtered out. If any promotional / informational listings slip through, all HC listings will be removed from the google products database, so we need to work together to keep them out. Please feel free to continue to list info, etc. in your listings rather than the info pages, just make sure one of the above keywords is in the title so they aren’t included in the google products feed.
Also, several people mentioned that the info pages don’t work for them. Could you email more details on this to support [at] Thanks for the help!
Another word that might be helpful Karen is “about”
I agree with “about” or even “intro” and also “facebook” and “congo” I know I have a listing to state that I’m on a particular congo and also one for people go join my facebook fan page.
Thanks for the great suggestions! I am adding them all 🙂
The word “Announcement” might be a good one too 🙂
Gallery might be another good one.
How about list…. as in customs list?
actually, not sure if that would be a good idea or not.. since ppl list their custom spots….