Background colors and Paypal accounts

Just wanted to let you know I’ve added the option of changing the
background color of your Hyena Cart store. Dana and Meredith have
already taken advantage of that (see and ) and it looks pretty sharp
🙂 I think it looks better if you choose a lighter color since the
table background is white. If you’re interested in changing your
background color, just send me the hex code of what you would like (we
can try a couple if you aren’t sure). Here’s a page with hex codes for

Also, I’ve recently realized that it’s against the Paypal user
agreement to split payments between a personal and business account
when accepting business related payments. I’m going to leave the
option of separate funded and credit card payment buttons to use at
your discretion, but just wanted to let you all know their policy:

“PayPal account holders may not split payments between a Personal
PayPal account and a Premier or Business PayPal account by directing
buyers paying with credit card to pay their Premier or Business
account and buyers paying with PayPal balance or bank account to pay
their Personal account. If we find that you are splitting payments,
you will be asked to pay the fees you attempted to avoid. Personal
accounts are for personal use only. If you would like to do business
through your PayPal account, you must use a Premier or Business account. ”

Thanks so much for your business 🙂 Please let me know if you have any
questions, or suggestions for new features 🙂

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