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Mud Butt Reviews

To hear others' reviews and feedback of Mud Butt Cloth Diapers please check out these links!
THE best diaper we've found! My husband and I vote Mud Butts as our hands-down favorite for the family. We have others that we like, such as FuzziBunz and Charlie Banana, or Thirsties Duo, but nothing compares to the Mud Butts. In fact, we love them so much that we've ordered a TON more to make up the majority of our diaper stash. ... Love all three types of inserts that we own for our AI2 collection, too! Can't get enough of these diapers, though!
- Nicole W.
Absolutley in LOVE with my Mud Butts. I have both the "new" aplix and her original snaps and hands down the best diaper I own. The aplix are amazing and I have not 1 problem with them. The laundry tabs are secure and actually hold tight through the washing. Also the cross over either side aplix is the best idea! Absolutely love that a... "righty or a lefty" as my hubby puts it can change this diaper. This by far is our go to diaper out of our entire stash. I used to use BumGenius for my favorite aplix but this has quickly changed after getting my hands on Mud Butts. I will never again call BG my favorite diaper. This award and title goes to each and everyone of my Mud Butts!! I will continue to add only Mud Butts to my stash from here on out!
- Jen C.
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