OK — new image uploading tool available for HC Standard and Congo users

When you go to upload images now, you’ll see two links. The preferred way to upload is using the new tool, but the old link is still available in case the new one doesn’t work for you. I’d like everyone to start using the new tool — it should be faster and it’s also a much lighter load on the server. Please post comments and questions to this thread


I’d like to phase out the old uploading method in the next few months. When you first click the new link, you’ll get a pop-up window asking if you trust content from RadInks.com. That’s the company I purchased this code from. Please click “Always” (or “Yes”, but if you click “Yes” the pop-up window will appear next time you access the page). This tool requires the latest version of Java, which should already be installed on your browser. If not, it will prompt you to download the latest version.

After we get the bugs worked out for HC Standard users, I’ll migrate this to HC Multi and gallery uploading as well.

Finally — I have been pondering how to manage all the images that are uploaded to HC, and I think I’m going to go back to the 3-month policy. I.e., uploaded images will be purged after three months. If you have images for ongoing items (like patterns, etc.), I suggest you upload them to your gallery, then use the paths from the gallery in your product listing. I can help you with this if you don’t know what I mean. That way, your images won’t be deleted since gallery images will stay around as long as you keep your store active.

Image uploaders anonymous

If you’ve had trouble with image uploading (especially if you fall in the ‘often have trouble’ or ‘always have trouble’ categories), please email me at karen2 at hyenacart.com. I’d like you to test out the new uploading tool and see how it works for you. I’d especially be interested in those of you that use ‘unusual’ systems like Safari, Macs, etc., but anyone who’s had trouble in the past is welcome to test.

New store category, image uploading and missing orders

Hi everyone!

Just a few quick notes:

1) I added a Bath & Body store category, so all you soap mamas can have your own space 🙂

2) The picture uploading seems pretty spotty lately. My thought is that it’s traffic related, especially when a bunch of congo members are all uploading at the same time. If you’re having trouble with uploading, please give it another try at a lower traffic time of day (early in the morning or late at night). I know that’s not ideal, but I have an alternate plan in the works that will hopefully be implemented in the next few weeks. In the meantime, could you please respond to this poll so I can gauge how much of a problem this has been for everyone: http://hyenacart.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=15389

3) Missing orders: I know of one stocking recently where orders were placed via the cart but no orders were entered into the orders list and no notifications were sent. If this has happened to you recently, please respond to this email and let me know the details (when the order was placed plus links to the items).

Thanks everyone!

Doing the blog thang…

I’m thinking this will be a better way to share updates and random thoughts on HC development.

HC has grown a ton since January of this year (going from under 200 stores to over 700!). And while the customer base has been growing, it hasn’t been keeping up with the new vendors. It’s about time to do some heavy advertising, not to bring in more sellers, but more buyers. And I fully intend to do that in the near future, but a few things have to happen first. The main thing is, the site needs to be revamped and re-cast to be completely user-friendly, easy-to-understand for non-hyenas, and beautifully eye-catching. This is all in the works. I’m hoping to have something launched at the beginning of next year. Then we’ll really market the site and bring in the buyers. I’m excited to see where this will all lead and looking forward to bringing more buyers in for the beautiful and high-quality items we’ve got offered here at HC 🙂

A few more little things…

I switched the databases Friday night and everything seems to be running pretty smoothly. Hopefully with this and the server upgrade, you’ve noticed the site becoming faster to access.

In addition, I’ve made a few more small changes.

1) I wrapped the register and lost password pages in your store’s customization and graphics. So a customer can now enter your store, register, log in, etc. without ever leaving your store’s environment

2) I wrapped the shopping cart and checkout pages of HC Multi in your store’s customization as well. Check it out and make sure everything’s functioning the way it should be.

3) For congos — I changed it so that you can no longer edit a vendor’s id number. There should be no reason to do this since you can now re-order stores using the Order Number and changing vendor id’s usually makes a mess of all the links that have already been established.

Sorry for all the emails!

Sorry for flooding your in-boxes with so much email the past few days. I believe HC is up and running just about everywhere now. I still need to move the databases, but I will plan to do that either late tonight or late at night next weekend (the site will need to be down during that time).

Please let me know if you notice any issues. I’m especially interested to hear if the Internal Server Errors are now a thing of the past. Let me know via this thread: http://hyenacart.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=11661

Remember, if you’re getting “File not found” errors, it’s probably because the change hasn’t propogated to you yet. In that case, you can access HC using this domain: http://s179648057.onlinehome.us/

Thanks everyone!

Domain registry is screwy

Sorry – I know this has not been the smoothest transition in the world. I don’t know what the current problem is. The domain is pointing to the correct directory in my account, but it must still be ‘floating’ between the two servers. The host had assured me that the switch would only take a few hours. Obviously, it has been longer than that. I will call them today — not sure how much help I will get on the weekend. I have a feeling it’s just a matter of time for things to propogate through th web, but unfortunately, I can’t say how long it will take.

In the meantime, the site is fully accessible through http://s179648057.onlinehome.us . For example, the calendar is http://s179648057.onlinehome.us/calendar.php and Blue Grass Moon (just as an example of a site customers want to be able to access *all the time* is http://s179648057.onlinehome.us/BluegrassMoon/ . The forums are viewable at http://s179648057.onlinehome.us/phpbb/

Actually, it looks like some people have access and some don’t because I do see some people viewing and posting on the forum. Hopefully everything will be propogated through soon!

OK — have changed the plan a bit…

I am switching just the hosting over right now. Hopefully it will be switched by 9 pm for the Necessitae stocking, to avoid all the error pages. Either way, I believe the site will be up with no downtime.

I will work on the databases sometime tomorrow. Maybe early in the morning.

I hope this makes the transition easier for everyone.

Am going to start the downtime within the next hour

I know there are some very important stockings and auction end times happening within the next few hours. I’m going to start the downtime in the next little bit and hope that I can get everything functioning again within a few hours.

Thanks for your understanding everyone!

Downtime tonight starting around 9 pm…

I’m going to migrate us over to a dedicated server tonight. So I will be shutting down Hyenacart as well as the forums starting around 9 pm (or whenever the kids are in bed). I’ve already got the majority of the files moved over, I just need to move the databases (probably TMI, but just in case you want to know the details 😉 ).

I think this should be pretty quick and hope to have everything back up and running within a few hours.

Thanks for understanding. Hopefully this will make HC quicker to load and even more stable — there may be a learning curve as the dedicated server thing is new to me, but I’m hoping I’ll have it figured out quickly.