Malware warnings on site

Hi all,

Sorry for the delayed update on this topic. We have had a day of making sure we’ve identified and isolated the issue. A hacker was injecting malware via url injection on the site. They have been blocked and the host is monitoring the site to ensure that it does not happen again. In the meantime, google has blacklisted the hyenacart domain, so it is still being identified as a site with malware (even though the malware is no longer present). We have applied to google to reevaluate the site, but are not sure when this will be complete.

In the meantime, it is safe to access the site, despite the warnings. We are extremely sorry for everyone’s inconvenience. We are also sorry for the delayed communication. We did make a few updates on our facebook page, but did not have a chance to complete a blog post until now.

9 Replies to “Malware warnings on site”

  1. Some of your vendors and customers don’t use Facebook. We were left to speculate about what was going on for a full business day. We believed you when you said that changes would be made to improve communication after carts were hacked and paypal addresses changed a few months ago. This is disappointing.

  2. I heard it through the grapevine so to speak. There really should have been a mass email rather than having to happen upon your fb posts. I don’t regularly look there and doubt the majority of your customers do either. It was something that required immediate notification. As a web designer, I encounter many issues when web mastering various domains. It’s baffling to me that more action was not take. To keep your users in the know. Its unprofessional.

  3. I am personally furious! The virus infected my computer and destroyed several files. I had to pay someone to salvage it but still lost my entire Quickbooks file. Which now means I have to back track from when I last backed up. I have to say I am pretty upset that this happened on a site that I pay to do business on. I am now considering leaving Hyenacart for this. This website needs better security features to prevent this from happening.

  4. I am also upset. I realize that viruses and malware are a risk of any online activity. It’s really the lack of communication that has me considering a move away from Hyena cart. There is no excuse for keeping paying shop owners in the dark for this lengtht of time. Also there was NO facebook post by HC until sometime after 4pm Eastern, when I was frantically searching for information. I want to know the reason communication was delayed, or I WILL move my shop.

  5. All – I am beginning to think that trying to have his conversation in multiple places is too hard. Maybe the blog has outlived its usefulness and it would be better to have future updates posted only on Facebook. Anyway, my initial posts yesterday morning weren’t status updates, they were wall replies. I am c&p’ing here from another response I posted on fb:

    My learning about the issue and the issue bein resolved happened within a half hour of each other. Since I thought it was fixed and didn’t see any more warnings from my browsers, I figured the mischief was managed. I didn’t think a broad communication as needed at that point (obviously a mistake.) I continued to monitor my email throughout the afternoon and it seemed quite quiet – I didn’t get notification of all the posts on the Facebook page. Then I was offline for 5-6 hours until 9 last night. Again, these aren’t excuses, they are the facts. I know some will find this unacceptable and will leave, and I understand this. Others will stay because the benefits of the site outweigh these issues, and to them, I am profoundly grateful.

    If we could have future comments posted on fb, I would really appreciate it:

  6. I am mobile and haven’t the time to read through dozens of posts looking for HC comments and replies. But I do appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself. Thank you so very much!

  7. It never even occurred to me that you had a FB page that you were updating when all of this was going on. I came to the site anyway, despite the warnings (after checking Google and it saying there was no current infection), looking here for notification as well as my email. Those two places really should be the first places for notification in a situation such as this. I, too, am very disappointed with the lack of communication during this event. I know I lost customers during this episode and I had nothing to tell them about what was going on, why, or if their computers could still be infected just by visiting my store.

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