Image uploaders — need feedback!

Hi everyone,

One of the major pieces of feedback from the fall was the lack of a good image uploader on the site. There are now two new uploaders installed — a Flash-based one and a new java-based one (the java one is a trial version, so it’s limited to the thumbnail + three product photos)

I really need your feedback to figure out a few things:

  • Should I go ahead and delete the original java uploader? It doesn’t seem to work anymore for the majority of users
  • Are people able to use the new java uploader? Note this is a trial version, so it’s limited to a thumbnail and 3 product images for now. If it’s working for people, I’ll buy a license and that limitation will be removed
  • Are people able to use the Flash uploader?
  • I’ll go ahead and leave the slower, non-java, non-Flash uploader available as well, but keep in mind that your image sizes need to be less than 2Mb in order for that one to work.

    My main question is — do you now have a viable image uploader option available to you?

    For everyone who isn’t currently using image upload capability because you had bad experiences in the past, I’m going to make the new tools available to you for the next few weeks for free. Please give them a try and see what you think.

    Your replies will be *extremely* helpful, so please respond. Thanks!!

22 Replies to “Image uploaders — need feedback!”

  1. I have been using the flash uploader and I really prefer it over the old java and slow do it yourself photobucket thingy. The old Java doesn’t work very well for me. I haven’t tried the new java trial version. Basically I like to get my images straight from my computer as easily as possible. I don’t like that with the java I have to click the java button then click photos, then dig for the correct album, then it doesn’t give me thumbnails it gives me numbers and I have to figure out which picture it is that I want. This way takes longer than going through photobucket. The flash uploader I just click the button choose my album, choose my photo and I’m done. If you decide to take the flash uploader away then I will just have to cancel the easy upload option and just go back to using photobucket.

  2. We definitely won’t be removing the Flash uploader. The old java uploader is the only one on the chopping block. Glad the Flash uploader is working well for you 🙂

    You can downgrade from image uploading on the Store Settings >> Request changes page. If you do that, don’t be confused by the fact that you’ll still see the image upload buttons from now until Dec. 15. I turned them on for everyone for the next few weeks so everyone can give them a try.

  3. The flash uploaded is great! The other two don’t really work for me – tried it in the Congo I was in and it didn’t do very well at all, took longer to get it to work than to actually do the rest of the listing and sometimes I had to start all over to get it to work.

  4. I find that the new java uploader is still compressing photos so that they’re blurry.

    I can’t seem to get the flash uploader to work (I’m using Firefox 3.6). I can select photos, but after I try to upload, it just hangs.

  5. Java must not be installed on my Mac? At any rate, I tried the flash uploader which was SUPER fast, wow! But… when I hit submit at the bottom, nothing happened. I’m assuming it was supposed to do something at give me a link for the images, but I tried a few times and it didn’t do anything. hope that’s helpful.

  6. I’m loving the new flash uploader. I haven’t tried out the new Java one yet. The old Java one doesn’t work for me anymore (or rarely does.) I think as long as the Flash one is working for people then you can ditch the old Java uploader. I am so glad for the new options! I was about ready to ditch using your photo upload option all together! Thank you!

  7. I just tried the new Flash uploader and I love it! As long as it proves to be reliable then I will be using it from now on and ditching my FlickrPro account. Listing is so much faster now! Thank you!!!!

  8. I tried both the Flash uploader and the new Java uploader and like Shannon with the Flash uploader, it uploaded quickly for the thumbnail, which was great, but when I clicked Submit, it just sat there.

    I have the upload option on my stand-alone cart and used the new Java upload option with a congo stocking I just worked on. With the old version, when I wanted to browse for the pic I wanted to upload, it went straight to the proper folder in my computer, and I was able to designate which pics I wanted in which section (thumbnail and pics #1, #2, #3, etc.). With the new Java uploader, I found that I had to click through to the folder first, then choose which pics to upload. I also didn’t get a say in which slot I wanted which pic. Luckily, the pics were in my folder in the order I wanted them in the listing, but if they were not, then I don’t know how I would have been able to move them around to be in the position I wanted them. Also, once I instructed the program to download the pics, when it was done, it didn’t give me the option of indicating whether I wanted to submit those pics or if I wanted to delete any of them. I noticed an error when I had it download the first time, so when I went to try it again, that’s when the format came up like the old uploader and allowed me to delete any of the pics I didn’t want and start again.

    I like how quickly both uploaders seemed to work, but I didn’t like that the Flash uploader didn’t seem to allow me to add the pics for inside the listing and the new Java uploader forced me to click through each area first to get to my pictures on my computer, then didn’t give me the chance to choose in which slot I wanted which pic.

  9. Mary ~ Have you re-tried the Flash uploader recently? Please let us know if it’s still not allowing you to choose images for the listing itself. That was a bug earlier, but it should be fixed now. That’s good feedback on the java uploader — we’ll see if we can improve that

    Scarlet ~ please try the java uploader again as image quality should be better now.

    Shanna ~ that seems to happen to me too sometimes…. what browser are you using?

  10. I hate that I love this so much. I used the flash version and it was so quick and easy. I really don’t want to pay the extra and part of the reason I don’t stock more often is I hate the hassle of uploading images, getting the url, (both sizes) yadda yadda, going back and fourth from each screen, it just takes forever. This was great and fast and easy!

  11. I love the flash uploader. I had previously switched to photo bucket because the java just wouldn’t work right and it would take forever to upload. I will use the flash if it remains available, it was fast and easy to use

  12. Finally got around to trying an uploader tonight…. I kept forgetting they were available until I had already transfered to photobucket!! Just in under the wire….

    Tried Flash uploader. Worked quick as lightning, so that was good.

    I didn’t like that after I had found the folder for my thumbnail, I had to search through my folders again to locate the appropriate one for the inside images. A minor inconvenience, but I wished it would open the same folder up that I was just in.

    Second problem with the flash uploader, was that I can’t figure out how to arrange the images in the order that I like.

    Other than that, I loved it!

  13. I am only using the flash one now. Never tried the new Java because of the # of Pics limitation. Hate the old Java…delete it!

  14. No matter what I do, what uploader I use, every single time I want to edit a picture for the site, I have to completely redo the listing and create a new one. It won’t delete the old files, no matter how many times I click on it. I throw my hands up.

  15. Hi Krystal,

    It sounds like your browser might be caching the old images and continuing to show the old ones even though you’ve updated them. Next time, after you’ve uploaded the new images, check on the listing and hit ctrl-F5 to hard refresh the page and force the browser to download the new images. Please let us know whether or not that works.

  16. Fabulous to use the Flash one. Absolutly fantastic! Works so much better than Photobucket and I have no problems with paying the extra for this ability. Wonderful!

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