Rolling out changes on admin pages and facebook app…

As you’ve probably noticed, a whole host of changes have been rolling out on the vendor admin pages. You’ve already been providing great input and feedback and I just wanted to give an update and hear more about how it’s going. So, what’s new?

  • Single user store owners (i.e., HC Multi users):
    • You now have the option to stay logged in to the vendor pages (also, if you go to the login screen, you get a warning message, but it does provide a link that takes you back in to the main vendor pages or log out)
    • The product view / edit page has been split into tabs and paginated. If you want to see all of your listings on a single page, there is also an “All items” tab, and, at the top right, there is a choice for how many items per page you’d like to see (you can choose all). Also, there’s a tab called templates. If you want to create a template, all you need to do is create a listing and make sure the text [template] appears somewhere in the title of the listing
    • The batch edit page has been completely redone. At the top right, you can check boxes for the fields you want to edit. You can also sort, filter and choose how many items to show per page. Finally, a ‘check all’ box has been added to the Show and Delete fields
    • Finally, I just added a pop-up date chooser for choosing active and end times for your listings
  • Multiple user store owners (i.e., HCS and congos)
    • Same splits and options on the View / Edit page as above. I also added the old way of viewing the page as an option (last one on the Product Listing drop-down menu) for those of you that preferred that way of viewing listings. The filtering and sort options are new for you, so hope you find them helpful 🙂
    • Same changes on the batch edit page and also added batch edit capability for stocktype and shipping text, which were missing before

And coming up in the near future (next couple of weeks):

  • “Remember me” login option for HCS stores
  • Pop-up date window for HCS stores
  • “Quick edit” pages for both store styles, allowing you to edit multiple listings at once to a common value (e.g., setting the end time to a particular date or updating to a new shipping price for multiple listings at the same time)
  • Better, more robust image uploader
  • Batch editing of order history

There were definitely some bugs the past few days, so I’m sorry for that. If you were having issues, give it another try as I’ve done some updating, and if it’s still not working, please post here or contact the help desk.

The site redesign is coming along and I’m very excited about our new logo. I’m going to keep it a surprise for now, but hopefully you’ll be seeing it within a month 🙂
Finally, I know the HC Store facebook app isn’t working any longer. Facebook has recently made another change and I’ll need to do some repair work / upgrading of that app to get it to work again. I’ll be working to fix this as soon as possible.

Thanks everyone! The feature request page has been working out really well. Don’t forget to post all your great ideas and requests there.

3 Replies to “Rolling out changes on admin pages and facebook app…”

  1. Karen..I did reply to your email this evening. Some of my items are still not showing on my store page, but I see them in my login/vendor pages.
    thanks for your help! Dana xx

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