Excitement! Choices and quantities greater than 1 for Buy Now listings

Hi all,

This one’s been a long time coming. For Individual store (aka HC Multi) sellers, Buy Now listings can now have quantity greater than 1, and choices as well! Items are taken out of stock as soon as the “Buy Now” button is clicked. Shoppers can purchase a Buy Now item, shop your store more, add more items, and check out with a single order. Pending Buy Now purchases are now listed on your Order History page, which also allows you to be able to flag non-paying buyers.

I’m excited to add this capability, because I know a lot of people have been needing it. I’ve tested and debugged as best I can, but please let me know if you or your shoppers are having any issues with Buy Now listings. Anything that was pending just as I made the change may be wonky, so just contact the helpdesk with any questions: support [at] hyenacart.com

Thanks everyone!

2 Replies to “Excitement! Choices and quantities greater than 1 for Buy Now listings”

  1. Thank you for this!!! I was just getting ready to list some new items and thought I’d have to use the “hold” option, along with a listing to explain to my customers how it works. I had an oversell last month. So glad I won’t have to worry about it now!

  2. I’m happy you can do qty’s now!

    BUT I’m having customers who are unable to checkout using the BUY NOW process.
    “Unknown column ‘choice_price’ in ‘field list’ after hitting buy it now. is what they get.
    Please help!

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