Banner advertising changes

Hi all,

We had a spirited discussion about adding advertising to Spots’ Corner today, both on the forums and the HC Facebook page. As background, Spots’ Corner is one of the most highly viewed pages on the entire Hyena Cart site. It gets roughly 360,000 page views per month. Because of this, we’ve been brainstorming ways to fully leverage the traffic to generate ad revenue. One of the ideas we came up with was to put google ads on the site, but your overwhelming feedback was that that was *not* a good option (that was very loud and clear, lol).

So here is what we’ve done: we’ve separated funds added to your Banner Manage account by whether they came from Paypal or HC$. Spots’ Corner ads can now only be paid via Paypal funds, not HC$. All other site advertising can still be paid by either. Any funds you already had sitting in your account have all been counted as Paypal funds, but moving forward, HC$ and Paypal $ will go in separate buckets.

In addition, we’ve added some 120×60 buttons at the top of the page. We’ve gone ahead and added any button ads that were already running on the forums to SC, just so there was something in the space for now 🙂

Finally, we’ve shortened the time blocks for purchasing ad time (just on SC), so rather than paying $10 for the entire month, you can choose to pay $5 for 2 weeks.

Just as one last plug, banners placed on SC, whether at the top or bottom, generate about 4x as many clicks as other HC ads (see here), so it is well worth it to purchase advertising space there.

Hope that addresses everyone’s concerns. We are keeping the ads focused on the earth- and family-friendly shops you love 🙂


8 Replies to “Banner advertising changes”

  1. What happens to the adds that were already running? I JUST purchased one yesterday! I understand if I need to pay for it, it’s just poor timing on my part! Or are you going to let he ones that have been paid with HC$ run out?

  2. Ahhh….I see my little secret isn’t so secret. The banners I’ve placed on Spots’ have always done really well and that was my favorite place to use HC$
    More power to you Karen, you’ve built a great site here. Thanks once again for listening to your community and letting us advertise.

  3. I understand, but I would also like to say that I am a little disappointed in the timing of this change. I jumped into the recent HC$ day with both feet, selling six first-quality items for 100% HC$ with the thought that it was good for the HC community AND that at least I would be able to use the HC$ for advertising and yes, I have stat counter and I already knew that Spots Corner was my best ad placement. Now I feel like I let go of some great inventory for no Paypal and I can’t use the HC$ the way I wanted to.

  4. Anyone who is in this situation, please go ahead and move your HC$ into Bannermanage, then drop me a line at hyenacart[at] and let me know your BannerManage username. I’ll get your funds switched over to PP. Please do so before 10/16. Thanks!

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