How many sellers are having issues with inventory tracking?

On HC Multi carts, for standard listings, items are not taken out of stock until payment is completed via Paypal. However, we have had several reports trickling in that customers are completing checkout and payment, yet the inventory is not being updated. I am trying to track down how widespread the problem is. Could you do a quick sound-off on whether this has been an issue for your store or not? Thanks!

17 Replies to “How many sellers are having issues with inventory tracking?”

  1. I have not had issues w/ stocking after payment clears-but then I have not had any sales since this whole Google trouble started-I checked all my listing Titles-I have no reference to sale/shipping etc-Mine are all descriptilns-colors of woolies etc-So do we need to revise our decriptions also? I do not use info pages except the one about me page-So NA-Please let me know if I should be revising all my descriptions-

  2. It has happened to me. Or at least something similar. I have had an item sell out, but then somehow another customer is able to buy it. I don’t know if they had bookmarked it when it was instock, or what. It was very odd.

  3. This only happens when someone pays by e-check… I have to change the quantity manually… I would rather it work automatically, although I understand it is because the money is not already in the pp account, but an alert to not ship until payment is received would be better… as well as the quantity changing right away 🙂

  4. Well, that may explain it! I may have 100 diapers as a starting quantity for a multi standard listing, for example. So I don’t go in and check quantity very often. I recently went in and did a hard count of my inventory and found the online quantities were consistently higher… So I actually had less stock on the shelf than was listed in the cart. I was really puzzled as to how this might have happened.

  5. This just happened for the first time today, two people ended up buying the same thing for HC$ Day because they didn’t pay with paypal so it still showed that one was available instead of marking it sold out after it was in their carts. I had to change the amount to zero manually.

  6. Thanks for the input. For e-checks, you can change the setting on your Store Settings >> Profile page to “yes” for “Accept echecks immediately” and then items will be taken out of stock when they are paid for via echeck.

    If it works on and off, that is an issue with Paypal’s servers not sending the ping back to Hyena Cart to complete the sale.

    Is there anybody for whom it *never* works who is sure they have a Business or Premier account?

  7. Has happened to me. The customer contacted me and let me know that she had paid and the items were still listed in my store. I went in and manually removed them.
    I also had a customer pay for 2 separate listings and pay for them, pp only told me that she had ordered one item. I shipped her the one item, which was disappointing for her and very confusing for me. We worked it out in the end, but I would certainly like to avoid it from happening again

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