Thumbnail size choices and image handling :)

Happy Sunday everyone!

I’ve just added a few features to image handling for those who are hosting images on the Hyena Cart server:

  • You now have a choice on thumbnail image sizes: from 125px to 200px in 25 px increments. You have this choice both from the java and non-java tool
  • Images will no longer be blanket-deleted after 3 months. They will stay on the server as long as your store has a paid date within the past 6 months, and the item has been active in the past 6 months (i.e., end-time is less than 6 months ago and quantity is greater than 0). Note, images you’ve uploaded previous to today will still get deleted after 3 months, but those uploaded from today forward should stay put if your store and the listing remains active

A few other things to note:

  • I know image quality on the thumbnails is not ideal. I can’t seem to control this (I have all image quality variables set to max). I’m hoping the larger thumbnail sizes will help with those who have had issues with blurry thumbnail issues
  • During the next few months of transition, if you have older images already uploaded, they won’t show up in the image uploader tool even though the images to exist and will show up in the store ok. If you do want to change these images, go ahead and upload your new ones, and the old ones will be overwritten
  • Remember, if you wanto to upgrade to image hosting, you can do so via your Store Settings >> Request changes page

Thanks everyone. Let me know if you have any issues with this upgrade. You can comment here or email us at support [at] 🙂

3 Replies to “Thumbnail size choices and image handling :)”

  1. Yay! That is so cool, thanks. Thumbnail size choice was the one thing I actually missed about my standard cart. I like the bigger thumbnails so much better!

    Which makes me ask, could featured shops pics be a little bit bigger, too? At this size it either ends up abstract or teeny…. And maybe square, because I think people can remember “has to be square” better and there won’t be so many sad stretched out pics? JMO, you know.

    Anyway, thanks so much again, I love the thumbnail thing!

  2. I had always relied on the standard thumb sizing to automatically resize my multi cart thumbs for me. IOW I used my 33×225 pics for the thumbs and they would be resized for me to 125×94. I wondered why they suddenly jumped from 125 to 200px. I guess now I have to actually make separate thumbnails because this change blew out my store design. I can see where its good for the uploaders, but it did turn out to make work for me.

  3. I am having problems with the size of the thumbnails. They are stretching the page causing my template to be deformed! I don’t store my pics on hc There has been no problems until this change happened.

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