Please come help improve HC :)

Hi everyone,

I’ve been pondering the direction of our next big HC project and there are three that I’m considering:

1) Adding Google checkout as a payment method for stores and Spots’ Corner

2) Adding more social networking capabilities for shoppers (sharing favorite store lists, spotted items, creating profile pages / photo sharing pages, etc.)

3) Creating facebook integration for stores (like the Etsy facebook tab), and other promotion tools (something like the Etsy minis that can be added to blogs, etc.)

Which of these would be most important / helpful to you?

Please respond via this poll:

Thanks everyone!

14 Replies to “Please come help improve HC :)”

  1. I like option #2…was also wondering if in the future we could somehow have a affiliate link? I have people referring me to others, but there is no way to give them credit…I have it set up now with code with person initials, so people referring get they get 10%, but people sent to me by referral and buy get 10% off they have to use the same code so the other person gets credit.

  2. Definitely 2 and 3. Something else that would be helpful is where you have the shipping options, to be able to have the option to input a $0 shipping option and have it show up – IE, if I want to offer free shipping to the US and also offer a shipping rate for international – right now if you do that, only the international shipping shows up because the US (first class or whatever) is set to $0 and doesn’t show as as option

  3. is there already a way to “bookmark” threads so you know when others have commented on one that you already commented on? I find it hard to remember where I asked a question and go back and find it.

  4. Heading to vote in the poll, but as I’m trying to create and modify master listings to stock my fabric / trainer cuts store I’m finding it more time consuming than it could be. The ability to batch change choices would help me greatly.

  5. I too would love to see #1 happen. Despite the fact that lots of people DO have Paypal, I think it would help a lot to have another option. With Google Checkout I think it is a lot easier to pay with a credit card if you don’t have a Paypal account.
    It sounds like #2 & 3 would be nice for a lot of people although I personally don’t care about those options- I think it sounds like a great addition as these things are utilized by many.

  6. Hi, I like number 1 and 2. I guess I am NOT a facebook fan, but hey, I don’t know much about facebook–if you decide to do it–I will look into more information.

    Question about listings–I noticed some of my listings are GONE and I didn’t take them down. I don’t know why they are gone. Is there a time limit or something on listings on hyena??? I am upset and it is hard to keep putting stuff back up here. I am all new to this, so please explain–can I extend deadlines on the listings? Thanks for any tips. I will email help too.

  7. I would love to be able to switch over to google checkout for payments, if everyone knew how much lower the fees were they would be clamoring for this as well.

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