Storetop icons and HC Multi end date changes rolled out

Hi everyone,

OK — the storetop icons are rolled out as the default store view. You still have the option of turning them off by clicking on this link:

And the HC Multi end dates I talked about last week have been rolled out. So, the things to remember:

  • Items whose end dates are passed or not set to “0000-00-00 00:00:00” will no longer show up in your stores
  • These items will also not have an “Add to cart” button, so it won’t be possible to purchase them
  • Auctions and Drawings will continue to show up in your store until a week after their end dates have passed (to allow shoppers to see how things ended up). For that week, items will show up in both current and past items. After that week has passed, they will only show up in past items. If you would like your item to move out of current items sooner, you can edit the end date to a time further in the past. Hope that all makes sense

Sorry if this has caused a lot of disruption in your store. However, it was something that needed to be fixed at some point, and it was going to be painful no matter when it happened. If you are having issues getting your end dates edited, please contact the helpdesk at support [at] hyenacart,com and we’ll see how we can help you out.

Thanks everyone!

4 Replies to “Storetop icons and HC Multi end date changes rolled out”

  1. I love the little icons, and I see you added “view cart” under the store links. Now, can a little shopping cart appear as one of the top icons? I would love that!

    Thanks for all your work!

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