HCS sellers: categories

Hi all,

I made a change to the code last night that has had unintended effects. I’m going to keep it the way it is, though, as it makes the most sense. But if you have listings that have disappeared from your store and your stocking page, go to Product Listings >> Batch Edit >> Dates, and ensure that the category number for all of your listings corresponds with an existing category number in your store (if you don’t use categories, set them all to 1). Everything should work fine at that point. If not, please drop a line to support [at] hyenacart.com.

Also, just so you know, the change now orders your listings in category ordering and then item ordering order. That probably makes no sense. Let’s say you have a category “chocolate truffles” which you have ordered as 2, but which is actually category number 10 (i.e., on your Store Settings >> Edit categories page, ordering for that category is set to 3, but the category number is 10). Now let’s say you have another category called “fudge” with ordering set at 5, and is category number 3. Before the change, the items were sorted by category number, and the category ordering was ignored. So your fudge would have shown up before your truffles. Now, the items are sorted by category ordering, so the truffles will show up first. And you can rearrange the listings easily by changing the category ordering on the “Edit categories” page. Clear as mud? Good! But I bet you’re hungry, anyway.

If you have questions, please post here or email the support desk. Sorry for the inconvenience!

4 Replies to “HCS sellers: categories”

  1. I’m in the same boat as Jenn. My categories were already set at 1 and I’ve tried several other numbers to no avail. I opened a support ticket yesterday and have not yet heard from anyone. Please help!

  2. 3 of the 6 items I want at the top of my cart are missing and even though I made sure all the ordering numbers were different and in the correct order, they won’t come back. One of the items are my Policies, so that’s really something I need back. 😉 Guess I’m another one who needs some help in this area.


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