More goodies :)

Hi all,

Guess I’m on a roll lately 🙂 Just a few more additions to the site:

  • The “Jump to store” feature now also searches congo vendors, so if you’re looking for any store hosted on HC, whether it’s a standalone or part of a congo, it should now come up in that search
  • I’ve edited the feedback function so feedback for sellers (HC vendors or SC sellers) can not be left by the buyer if the status of the order is “New.” This keeps shoppers from leaving feedback on unpaid orders (i.e., transactions that never really happened). Also note that if you have a buyer pay via Paypal invoice, the HC system will not automatically mark the order “Paid” and you will have to do that manually in your vendor pages in order for the buyer to leave feedback for you
  • Finally, I have changed the way HC Multi handles order creation for BIN’s, auctions and drawings. These three types of transactions now create an order immediately (as soon as “Buy Now” is clicked, or the auction / drawing ends and has been refreshed) rather than waiting until the shopper completes the checkout process. The shopper can still go back and add more items to the order and pay for everything at the same time. The difference is that you and the shopper will both see an order in your histories right away.

As always, let me know if anything seems to be buggy.

Thanks hyenas!

8 Replies to “More goodies :)”

  1. Very Cool! Thanks Karen!

    Do we need to submit our vendor name for the congos or does it just automatically show up when we have items in stock at the congo?

  2. I love it!!! I love the third one most – having an order created when someone hits BN. I think this will really cut down on non-payer issues.

    One thing i noticed in checking out the new features is that a buyer can leave feedback for “canceled” orders. A lot of times when i get a non-payer, i change the status to canceled. So following the same logic as not being able to leave feedback for a “new” order, the same should be true for “canceled” orders, kwim?

  3. Karen, I was looking for Harmony threads using the jump to store option. When I click on the Lily Pad Landing option it still shoots me to the Club Thread location instead.

  4. I love that Jump to Store now includes congos. However, Born Again Baby on The Chain Gang goes to Born Again Baby on Creative Mamas. Please help!

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