Discount codes, congos, sales tax :)

I think I’ve finally got the discount codes option working correctly.
You can define codes from your vendor pages (Discount Codes link) by $
amount, percentage, or free shipping. The customer enters the code on
their payment page. I’ve also moved the comments box to the payment
page as well, and am considering moving the shipping options there in
the future. I think it’s self-explanatory, but if you have questions,
or it’s acting buggy, please let me know.

Also, if you have used a designer to help customize your store, and
his/her business is not listed on this page: . please let me know.

The congo coding is nearly 100% complete. Please let me know if you’d
like to start setting one up. I’ve written in a lot of flexibility and
you should be able to make it look exactly the way you want. Pricing
will be $25/month. Here’s a Test Congo: to give you an idea how it looks.
Features include individual vendor logins, separated store listings,
and an automatically generated ‘about us’ page.

Finally, I’ve had a few people ask me about sales tax. I don’t plan on
including this in HC, but you can set sales tax in your Paypal
preferences. It will automatically be added in when the customer
checks out.

Thanks everyone for using HC 🙂

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