We have had a *serious* influx of new HC stores the past few days and
I just wanted to thank you again for your wonderful support!
All this action has re-inspired me to get coding on some features I’ve
been meaning to add for a while. The first one will be mass edits to
allow you to change the preview status of many items at the same time.
I was also going to make it possible to delete a lot of items as a
group as well. Is there any other toggle you’d like to be able to
switch en masse?
Another idea I had was to have a directory of HC stores broken down by
category to make it easier for the customers to shop. It will probably
replace the “powered by HC” page and will just have our banners in
random rotation at the top. It would have a list of wool soaker mamas,
fitteds, AIO’s, etc. and you’d be able to list in multiple categories.
Please e-mail me with a general category name for your store if you
think I might forget to list it.
I will try to get at least these two things implemented in the next
few weeks. I have a bunch of other things I’d like to code, but I’d
love to get input from you as well.
Oh, one other thing. I just wanted to be totally clear on payment. You
do *not* have to pay for months when you aren’t planning on stocking
your store. So you could stock your store, then have a baby and take a
one year break. Then just pay $5 and start stocking again. In the time
when your payment is expired, customers will still be able to purchase
things from your store, but you won’t be able to edit or add items.
Thanks again everyone. Please feel free to contact me with any
questions/problems/suggestions 🙂