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While we do not anticipate that everyone who tries wearing Baltic amber, hazel wood or gemstones will share these delightful outcomes, please know that many do!

In addition to what is listed below, we have received positive feedback from our customers about Baltic amber necklaces helping the discomfort of: Tendonitis, Orthodontic Braces Adjustments, and Neck and Shoulder Pain.

"I have been ordering from Inspired by Finn since my child was born. Now he's 4 years & I'm a  loyal customer.  I love everything about them.  Customer service is super fast and their quality is TOP TIER.  I would not change them in a million years."  


For Arthritis

"I ordered my husband's nana a bracelet for her arthritis recently (she has been on meds for it for years) and she said the bracelet makes more of a difference than the meds! So we wanted to get her a second for her other hand. (figured you'd want to know how much she loves it =)"

"The swelling in my Mom's hand went down by 50%."

"I bought a necklace and bracelet. My mother was having headaches. She hasn't had one since she put the necklace on .. The bracelet has done wonders for her arthritis in her hand. She could barely use her fingers and her hand was swollen most of the time. She can now use her fingers and the swelling has went down... She is just amazed at the difference.. I'm now ordering more amber items for several friends an myself!! Thank You!!"

"My mother has worn one of your bracelets for over two years and has been controlling RA with no meds.  She is a believer.  She recently gave one to her niece and she also has had instant and permanent relief from even more severe pain."

"I had one knee replacement about 9 years ago and was definitely not looking forward to having to have the other replaced in the near future. [My daughter] got me to put on a knee bracelet. I thought it was crazy, never having heard of amber's unusual properties before. She insisted the pain would be taken care of so I put it on. I promise you this is the truth: within a couple of hours the pain was almost gone. By that night, it was all gone. I was dumbfounded. If I hadn't lived it, I would never have believed it.  Since then, I've worn my knee bracelet. No pain, and no surgery! I also have arthritis in my hand. Once the knee stopped hurting, I immediately put an amber bracelet on my wrist. Same unbelievable results. My hand is still misshapen but it sure doesn't hurt. So I wear both bracelets all the time."

"My daughter has juvenile arthritis. And i got this for my daughter and whenever she wears it she's pain free so i ended up buying two because we always need a backup -we love our amber necklace- it's life saving."

For Foot/Ankle Discomfort

"I bought these because I have issues with early onset RA. I've been waiting to buy them for a while as funds are limited, but they were well worth the money. No pain in my ankles since, even when it's about to rain...It's wonderful!"

For Back Discomfort

"The amber totally works for pain and not just mine. I suggested it to a self-admitted sceptic for her serious back pain and she thanked me profusely and suggested it to others as well. I'm trying the metabolism bracelet now. Fingers crossed."

"I believe that the Amber works better for me than the Lidoderm patches (for pain) and is much, much cheaper."

"Less pain and discomfort, much less inflammation, can stand and walk for longer periods of time, wake less from discomfort."

"I used to have a constant pain in my lower back, not sure what the cause is, could be a number of things.  Since I've worn the amber, it's not as bad."

"I have had great discomfort with my lower back for a few years.  I'm not normally one to look into natural remedies but my wife has purchased baltic amber necklaces for all of our kids and when I saw the trial I thought I would try this out myself.  As a skeptic I approached the idea with some negativity but after about two days I started to notice a difference in how my back felt at night.  After leaving it on for about two weeks I decided to take it off and see if it was all "in my head" and after a week the aching returned, a bit unpronounced compared to how it felt prior to testing the amber but back just the same.  Of course I put the string of amber back on and I'm happy to say my back feels much better."

"I wasn't expecting much, but my pain is almost gone.  I can move my back around and locate a little pain, but nothing compared to before I wore the strand."

"I wear one of these for my lower back and hips because of arthritis. I mostly wear it when the weather is cold because that's when my pain is the worst. It literally helps me walk pain free! I highly recommend it."

For Carpal Tunnel Discomfort

"They seem to help control the pain/irritation. At night its just a great help. I used to wake more nights than not due to the "pins and needles" of the carpal tunnel, and I haven't been waking at all. GREAT!"

"I decided it was time to try a bracelet for myself. It has helped my carpal tunnel so much."

"I have pregnancy induced carpal tunnel which was getting really really bad, but this bracelet takes the nerve pain, tenderness, and painful grip down to numb and tingly! Absolutely amazing! I wear one bracelet on each wrist pretty much 24/7."

"I have one for my neck and one for carpal tunnel. I have never had such good results with my carpal tunnel with anything else. It not only helps with the pain but also the swelling...."

"My husband swears by his! He has carpal tunnel in both wrists, and 4 pins in his ankle, and says his bracelets make a world of difference! He says they get "a little warm" when he first puts them on, and it's so soothing.  He has 3 bracelets (one of which he wears on his ankle). He sleeps in a wrist brace, and as soon as he takes it off every morning, he puts the bracelets on. I can tell when he doesn't wear it, because he'll be complaining by midday."

For Chemotherapy

"I've been wearing my amber bracelet to help with joint pain associated with chemotherapy. Prior to this I was a healthy 26 year old with no joint issues. It has helped me tremendously. I had been to the point where my knees hurt so bad at night they would give way when going up and down the stairs and needed constant ice massages to keep them happy. I'm now super happy to say that my pain is almost completely gone, no more knees giving way, no more ice massages, and a much happier me. I also have restarted my triatholon training and find that I don't need to take days off from muscle soreness no matter how hard I push myself!!"

"My Mom wanted me to let you know that she is completely blown away! The first night she put them on, within an hour she said it didn't take the neuropathy completely away but she could tell the hand her bracelet was on as the discomfort wasn't as intense . . . she actually could FEEL things for the first time in months! She left for chemo the next day, no fever, no joint pain. I haven't talked to her to see how she is today, but it seems to really have effected her usual terrible side effects of the chemo!! And WOW I have to tell you what a great mood she has been in. Not to mention she hasn't had to refill her (pain) meds! Thank you sooo much !!!"

For Growing Pains

I am so glad I found you guys!! My anxiety is finally under control thanks to my bracelet. My oldest is finally focusing better at school thanks to his necklace and my youngest isn't complaining of ouchies from growing pains.

For Headaches

"I wanted to let you know that I am SO HAPPY w/ my necklace. I really feel like it has been helping w/ my headaches. I have suffered w/ them for years, been on many medications. The only other thing that has ever kept them at bay was frequent chiropractor visits. But this necklace has helped. I have also had 2 friend put on the necklace when they had a headache, for it to disappear within 2 hrs!!! You have some converts here!! I will spread the word about these amazing necklaces!"

"My husband has suffered from severe headaches for most of his adult life. He isn't allowed to wear any kind of jewelry at work, but he puts his amber on the moment he gets home. He usually comes home with a headache, but says that it is generally gone within 45 minutes of putting on the necklace. Before the amber, I was buying him at least one bottle of aspirin every month for his headaches... I haven't bought him a single bottle in 4 months."

"I have not taken a single tylenol or ibuprofen since I received my necklace. I suffer from arthritis and related stiffness in my face, neck and headaches."

"My non-epileptic seizures are stress induced. Physical stress, mental and emotional stress... And they cause headaches. The Amber helps immensely!  And it seems to help reduce inflammation in my body from injuries sustained during seizures.  I've not had to take so much pain medication or anti-inflammatory meds since wearing it. And I notice a difference when I don't wear it."

"...The necklace has helped my neck pain and headaches, I was taking ibuprofen every day, a couple times a day and was able to cut way back with the necklace..."

"...The necklace has helped my neck pain and headaches, I was taking ibuprofen every day, a couple times a day and was able to cut way back with the necklace..."

For Headaches - Migraines

"I haven't had a single migraine since I put this thing on. Of course, I haven't discontinued my prevention meds, but they had only gotten my headaches down to 1-2 per month . . . Oh, and I've been sleeping MUCH better too! I would definitely recommend amber for migraines! What does (anyone) have to lose? Even if it doesn't work as well for (someone else) as it did for me, (they will) still have a beautiful necklace."

"I get really bad migraines at least a couple times a week. Today I could feel that I was going to get one, my jaw hurt and I could feel the muscles in the face tighten like they do when I am going to get a migraine. Well I didn't end up getting one, which never happens. If I feel one coming on it has never just went away on its own before. I sent a link to your HC to a friend who also suffers and told her she should get one as well."

"I have had major migraines since a head injury at work. I was attacked by a male inmate at the prison I worked for. He hit me several times in the head with a lock causing significant damage and a long hospital stay. Since recovery the migraines have been daily. After wearing my necklace for a few days the migraines eased and have continued to ease. I have not had to take medication for my head in over 3 weeks. My doctor is amazed."

"I use to suffer from migraines. My mother-in-law bought me a necklace after seeing how much it helped my son with his teething. I haven't had so much as a headache since I started wearing it!"

"I've been using one for about a month now and have had pretty good success. 2 migraines but not as bad as normal and without I would have had more."

"I've been using one for about a month now and have had pretty good success. 2 migraines but not as bad as normal and without I would have had more."

"Hi, not to overkill here but I've had a few weeks to wear this and I am speechless at my progress! I have not had one single migraine and only 2 slight (needed no pain relievers) headaches since the moment I put the necklace on. I have even made it through a complete monthly cycle with no issues and to say that is to speak a miracle...!"

"Love my necklace, hardly ever have migraines now.  I averaged up to 4 a week and every day had some form of a migraine.  Now, maybe one every two weeks!  I've suffered for 38 years due to a car accident and the damage done to my neck.  I've tried everything in the medical and pharmaceutical world with little or no help, except Botox injections.  Even had Daith Piercing done which did help but still had killer migraine too often to call it successful.  Since putting your necklace on, I've only had a couple migraines and none as severe as what I usually had.  And none of the everyday inflammation and early onset of migraine symptoms I had daily!  I am so grateful!  Our Creator put things on the Earth to bring healing.  So glad He led someone to discover Amber and that Finn makes it so easy and affordable to acquire! Thank you!"

For Knee Discomfort

"I love this thing! I've had knee pain most of my life (synovial sarcoma as a child). In the past year the pain has become nearly debilitating. In the few weeks I've had this anklet I've noticed a drastic reduction in pain and inflammation of both knees. On Christmas morning I was able to sit "criss-cross-applesauce" on the floor with my children ... something I haven't been able to do in nearly 1 year. Thank you, Inspired by Finn."

(Note - we always recommend wearing amber as close to the site of discomfort as possible for maximum benefit so in this case we would have recommended a knee strand but we're thrilled the anklet also worked well!)

For Menstrual Discomfort

"I recently bought matching necklaces for my daughter and myself. For me it was really purchased to be "just a pretty necklace" but then something surprised me. Every month since I was 12 years old, I experience extreme cramping and headaches before my menstrual cycle. This past weekend I wore my necklace and my cycle started . . . with no terrible warning. I couldn't believe it. No head aches, no splitting cramps, nothing! Thank you. Thank you so much."

For Migraine and Hormonal Discomfort

"Hi, not to overkill here but I've had a few weeks to wear this and I am speechless at my progress! I have not had one single migraine and only 2 slight (needed no pain relievers) headaches since the moment I put the necklace on. I have even made it through a complete monthly cycle with no issues and to say that is to speak a miracle! I can't stress to you how bad my pain was before. Not just migraine pain, but chiropractic and hormonal pain. I lived in a world of pain killers, muscle relaxants, ulcer meds, doctor appointments and days spent on the couch with my head in a bucket. Couldn't even hold a job.  My live has been transformed! I want to stand on a soapbox and scream to the masses how amazing your product is! If I can do anything to help promote your necklaces, I will. I preach the gospel of Baltic Amber now. You have to understand that I was in so much pain before, there were days I didn't want to go on. I had NO life. I am learning to LIVE again!! Sorry, I sound nuts, I know. But your product SAVED my life. NO joke. Thank you so much. You've given my family their mom back :D  God bless you!!!"

For Multiple Sclerosis Discomfort

"I love my Baltic Amber necklace. It helps with the pain from Multiple Sclerosis."

For Neck, Shoulder and Back Discomfort

"I was at a local restaurant recently and overheard a mother talking about getting an amber necklace for her new baby for teething because it works so well for their 3yo boy who was with them. I have a 7mo grandson who is going through the teething problems right now, so I asked her to explain it to me. She was so enthusiastic that I decided to order a necklace for myself for a shoulder problem, and if it worked on me, then perhaps I could convince my son and his wife to get one for their baby. 
I am absolutely blown away by the results. I was taking an NSAID at least once a day for my shoulder, and I have been fighting a chronic cough for 2 1/2 years. Since I have been wearing this necklace for the last five days, I have not had any medication for my shoulder and was absolutely surprised that I rarely cough anymore. I highly recommend Finn's amber for whatever ails you!"
-  Patti

"I have 4 disc herniations in the C-Spine and a partial tear in my rotator cuff right shoulder along with other damage.  I am in severe pain everyday.  My normal daily pain is an average of 8/10.  I would complain constantly to my husband about how tight and sore my neck always felt.  I was miserable at night, I was miserable at work and overall just a cranky hot mess.  I would have to take muscle relaxers, pain pills and daily anti-inflammatory medication.  I was doing some research for a student (I'm also a school nurse) for ADHD alternatives and realized the Baltic Amber could be used for my condition!  I knew the benefits of Essential Oils and had been experimenting with that already so I figured "what the heck, I'll give it a try!"  I received my necklace in November, within 48 hours of wearing it I was for the first time in over 15 year PAIN-FREE!  It's been 3 months now and my husband (who wasn't a believer at first) has commented that he hasn't heard me complain once since I have been wearing my necklace!  I just have to say to those who are on the fence, if you are the slightest bit interested, it's worth the $30-ish investment!  Thank you Inspired by Finn!"

"I just wanted to tell you of how my amber necklace has worked for me. I don't know why, but I hadn't put it back on last time I took it off. For almost a week, my shoulder wouldn't allow me to do much w/ my arm, like putting away dishes or picking up my Grandson. Last night I put my necklace on when I went to bed & thus morning my pain was decreased by 90% or more! Thank you for a wonderful product!​"

"I can't begin to say enough great things about our amber necklaces. They're gorgeous, skillfully crafted, and actually work. My chronic shoulder and neck pain has disappeared..."

"I love my necklace! I put it on and the next morning I woke up feeling pain free. Nursing a child can really mess with your back."

"Helped relieve the pain in my neck from being a new mom and bending over to pick up my son and change him and looking down at him the whole time I breastfeed!"

For Nerve Discomfort

"I ordered these for a friend, whose son wears his constantly and whose Husband actually took her necklace to wear for himself. He has had wonderful results for his nerve pain in his finger, that was injured at work."

(Note - we always recommend wearing amber as close to the site of discomfort as possible for maximum benefit so in this case we would have recommended a bracelet but we're thrilled the necklace also worked well!)

For Brittle Bones

"My daughter, Avery, has Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone disease). She's had 19 fractures in her short life and has been in pain constantly. I use to rotate tylenol and ibuprofen every few hours and occasionally she had to have stronger meds like hydrocodone. In March I ordered an amber necklace from you and had it shipped to where I was on vacation because Avery's pain was so bad that she wasn't sleeping through the night. She would scream for hours and hold her legs, whine and cry. I decided to give an amber necklace a try. I'm so happy to say that she's been wearing it since March and I have only had to give her tylenol a handful of times! It has helped her pain SO much. If someone told me how great these were before I probably wouldn't have believed them, but they literally are miracle workers for us! Thank you so much!"

For Tendonitis

"Last year, I was diagnosed with tendonitis in my wrist, very likely brought on by the constant lifting my kids, twisting my wrist to wrangle them during diaper changes, and all the other contortions I put my hands through by having active toddlers. I had sharp, shooting pains in my wrist. I dropped a gallon of milk as I pulled it out of the fridge. I couldn't untwist a bottle cap. I couldn't comb my hair or make a ponytail.  All these motions were so painful on my wrist. I ended up getting a steroid shot from the doctor, which helped for several months.  Then the pain started coming back again.  Rather than get another steroid shot though, I decided to try the baltic amber for my wrist.  So, I bought the bracelet from Inspired by Finn.  After a few days of wearing the bracelet, the pain subsided. I have been wearing the bracelet for over 4 months now and I still have no need to go get that steroid shot again.  Baltic amber is a great find and Inspired by Finn is a good company that provides a good quality product.  Thank you!"

Teething & Dental Discomfort/TMJ/Jaw

"My son is teething, this was a life saver with my daughter, never a fussy peep. Thankfully the same with my son too. When I forget to put it back on, we ALLLLL know!!"

"Perfect as always, saved us a lot of crying. The babies teeth came and we had no idea no crying no fever no fuss. The best thing ever."

"I purchased the Unpolished Harvest Amber Necklace. My son was teething for about a month when I received the necklace. It worked right away. He started sleeping better at night. No more excess drooling, before the necklace he would soak through a shirt within a hour. I just purchased my second necklace and will be ordering more in the future."

"Beautiful quality and craftsmanship. Noticed change almost immediately, baby sleeping better already. Thank you so much!"                          

"I purchased an adult amber necklace for myself for trouble associated with TMJ and other dental problems...It is less than 2 weeks from when I got my necklace and I *love* it! My dental pain is almost entirely gone and other aches and pains seem to have dissipated. On top of those things the jewelry is beautiful as well! I placed my order for my daughter last night and am confident it will help her too!"

"Love my amber necklaces! They have really helped me with my migraines that I get from my chronic TMJ. Thanks!"

"I have TMJ. I desperately need my amber necklace!!! I notice within an hour or so if I forgot to put it on after showering. They are amazing!!!"

"I use my necklace for tooth and jaw pain as well as doubling it up on my wrist for carpal tunnel great!"

"My teen-age son uses it for his braces!! Since he had them put on he hasn't used Tylenol or any pain reducers like his orthodontics recommend.  Highly recommend."

"I love mine. I have issues with sensitive teeth and if I'm not wearing my necklace, I have a pounding headache within 24 hours!"

For Wrist Discomfort

"I really like the bracelet! It definitely helps my wrist to feel better and I notice a difference when I have not worn it for awhile."

"I bought this for my 29 year old daughter because she was suffering from joint pains in her wrist. She tells me that the bracelet has helped relieve the pain."

"I wear one on my left wrist for De Quervain's tenosynovitis and I haven't had a single painful flare up since wearing it!  I swear by it 100%!"


For Pregnancy Heartburn & Nausea

"I want to give this more time, but have to tell you...I've worn it for 24+ hours now and I'm happy.  I'm 32 weeks pregnant, having terrible heartburn, and have hit the point where papaya won't work, TUMS won't work, and I've been dependant on Pepcid DAILY.  I hate taking meds while pregnant (well, anytime, really) and breastfeeding (and I'm doing both) and wanted to give this a try.  So far I haven't even taken any papaya!  I've tested it too, with sausage, pizza, coffee, and cinnamon rolls.....all things that trigger my heartburn (in addition to the fact that I have heartburn 24/7 right now!)."

"I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant and have been battling heartburn and nausea. Since putting the necklace on, I have not had any heartburn and I haven't had to take my medicine for nausea. I'm very pleased with this product! Thank you so much!"

Non-Pregnancy Related Reflux

"I was taking a dose of Pepcid every day.  Now I hardly ever have to take it."

Children's Reflux

"I love the hazelwood necklace I got my daughter for her reflux. She has improved more then words can even describe to the point of not needing medication. "


"I ordered a Hazelwood necklace from you a few months ago... it worked great for my son. He has been constipated and the necklace worked wonders for him.  Well a few weeks ago I started to notice that he was having 'troubles' every now and is official, he is in desperate need of a new necklace."

"Just want to say thank you! I bought the hazel wood best for digestive issues necklace and IT REALLY WORKS! My six month old was dealing with constipation terribly for the last few months and since receiving the necklace he's had bowel moments daily! It really is amazing to me :)"

Skin Conditions

Click here for a testimonial about eczema (w/ pictures)

"I purchased the hazel wood and aquamarine necklace in June hoping it would help with my eczema.  I have struggled with eczema for years.  I tried just about everything I could think of, every cream on the market.  Even prescription creams.  Nothing helped.  My eczema is the worst on my right hand, although I have it sporadically on my arms. My hand itche'd and ached so badly, I cried sometimes.  When I found the necklace I thought I might as well try it! Let me just say, it has been the remedy I needed all this time! Within 1 week of wearing it, my eczema on my hand was about 90% gone!  After 2 weeks, it was completely gone and has been since. There was a short period of time I didn't wear it and I noticed little bumps starting to itch on my hand.  I started wearing the necklace consistently and they went away.  I am amazed! I live in NE Ohio and when the weather breaks, my eczema flares up.  It has yet to do so! I am a true believer in he healing powers of hazel wood and aquamarine. It has truly helped clear my eczema!!!"

"A year later and several necklaces and my son's skin remains clear with only minimal flare ups. These are truly great products!"



"I wanted to let you know how amazing the ADHD necklace has worked for my son.   He is 7.5 and has been on medications for ADHD since shortly after he turned 5.  He had behavioral therapy for 2 years and I tried many other modifications with moderate success.   He's been wearing the ADHD necklace for about 4 weeks now and he went three days this weekend without his stimulant medication. He needed redirection the way I would expect any typical 7 year old boy to need it but it was what I would expect from a seven year old, not the usual ADHD behavior I am used to.  He's doing so well I almost sent him to school without his medication today and probably will one day this week to see how he does.  The necklace is AMAZING and I'm recommending it to all my friends whose kids have ADHD.   I just wish I had bought one sooner!"

"I just want to thank you so much. I purchased the ADD/ADHD necklace for my son (he will be 4yrs old in June) hoping that it would help him a little. He was having issues with all three domains: Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Let me tell you, I didn't realize how bad he had gotten until we had the necklace. We've only had the necklace for 2 and a half weeks, but it's like night and day. He obeys and follows through with most tasks, we have less issues with his hyperactivity (but some of that is normal for his age) and he is doing so much better with controlling his impulses. My mom was super skeptical about it, but even she says it's helping.  I took it off for a couple days to see if the necklace was causing a flare up of his psoriasis (I think it is, but I don't care anymore) and his behavior worsened to the point it was like we were back in square one. I put the necklace back on Thursday night and by Friday afternoon, even he was able to tell the difference and told me not to take his necklace away ever again."

"I bought the necklace as a last step before seeking professional treatment, and I wasn't expecting huge results, but I'd say we've seen a 75% reduction in his negative behaviors at least. It's amazing, and if I hadn't heard about your company, I'm sure he'd be on medication before he started school.  So thank you very, very much."

"It is working Awesome!!! People don't believe it.
Thanks so much!!!!"

"After almost a week, my 8 yr old son likes the hyperactivity/ADHD necklace.  I notice a slight difference for the better at home.  He's doing better at school, and he says the necklace helps.  Thanks"

"Okay- I can NOT believe the AMAZINGNESS of the ADD/ADHD Necklace!!!! My son is 9- NEARLY READY FOR MEDS- out of control. School has 2-3 paras through out the day- all day everyday!! I was picking him up an HOUR early the past month- because he can't keep himself together!! He has worn the adhd/ADD necklace since the day it arrived a week ago- and his case manager at school told me today that he has had an AMAZING week!! Even going to a play with his class WITHOUT a para!!! 1000 percent a believer in this product I could cry tears of joy!! I don't know how I heard about you (I think it was a "sponsored" add type FB post on my page!!! Anyway- just wanted to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for creating these amazing natural health remedies"

"I purchased a hyperactivity necklace for my son about a week ago and it works phenomenally! He hasn't have one outburst since I put it on him upon its arrival! I can't tell you how much this means to us! He struggles daily with hyperactivity and anger issues to the point that we have a behavioral specialist and a therapist. This necklace has helped better than EITHER OF THOSE professionals combined. For a mama, this is ground breaking. I am so convinced that these gemstones have been our turn around."

"Just wanted to let you know! My son, who is almost 17, has been taking ADHD meds since he was about 5, has been wearing your ADHD necklace since July, and he has not had to use meds since! Thank you so much!"

Robby has been wearing his [necklace] every day for almost a year now and we can see a difference.  We forgot to have him put it back on after swimming one day For THREE DAYS and it was like someone had flipped a switch on in him and he was off the wall, once I realized we'd forgotten his necklace, I immediately put it back on him.  We rarely take it off of him now.  It really does work and even some of our friends have seen a difference in him.  So thankful that I ran across this."

"I have an adult size one that I'm wearing now - and as an adult with a previous ADD diagnosis I can tell you that I notice a difference wearing it... more focus, better attention, decreased brain fog, decreased 'scatter-brained'."

We really didn't notice a big change until he DIDN'T wear it every day. That's when we knew it actually helped.  I had sewn fabric loops to attach the bracelet to into the pockets of all his shorts at the beginning of the school year a few years ago. When he started wearing pants that didn't have the loops (& the bracelet) in his pocket, we were getting notes from his teacher that he seemed distracted , unfocused, & somewhat aggressive. So now every new pair of pants he gets, I sew a loop in a pocket for the bracelet."

"I can tell when my son has this on!! He's a completely different kid!!!

"...My oldest is finally focusing better at school thanks to his necklace..."

Click here for a conversation people had on our Facebook page about our 'Curbs Hyperactivity, Attention Deficit, & Improves Focus gemstone products.


"I ordered two stress and relaxation bracelets for my daughter and I. There has been a huge difference in her since she has started wearing it. Being a military family and moving a lot, she was a "stressed" child with many meltdowns. She is still a normal child and has her moments but no where as many and bad as before. For myself I can feel the difference when I am wearing it. Nothing is fail proof or perfect but the bracelets push the limit on how well they do work for us:)"

"I want to let you know that I believe this bracelet has saved my life. Not that I ever thought of taking my own life, but my mind now is at peace. This has saved me from going to a DR and being prescribed meds and I will wear it forever, even if it is Purple. (I'm colorblind anyways).  Thank You again!!!"

"I am so glad I found you guys!! My anxiety is finally under control thanks to my bracelet...."


"I bought the hormone balancing bracelet after I found out my hormones were a problem with trying for a baby. I wore it for a few months and became pregnant after 4.5 yrs of trying!  I would like to think the bracelet helped!"


"I just bought my daughter her second allergy bracelet since her brother broke her other one. It's been a life saver! I can't believe how well it's worked. We've been dealing with eczema for years and nothing has ever helped relieve it even a little. Now her eczema has completely cleared up. It's so amazing and my daughter calls her bracelet special. Thank you thank you!!!"

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