Custom Kanga Deposit Custom Kanga Deposit
Price : $89.00
8 available

Create a Kanga that will be unique to you and your style!
Kanga, Kanga Sport, Wrap Conversion

Pay only an $89 deposit now
The remainder ($100 + any option charges) due after completion!

Creating your own Custom Kanga is easy to do!  Just pay the deposit, and I will email you with my address for sending your print or wrap fabric.  I will communicate with you through email until I understand what you are looking for and help you in any way you need to pick the carrier and sizing which is best for you and your child.  After your Custom Kanga is completed, I will send a link to your final invoice where you will also see a picture of your Kanga.  After you recieve your custom Kanga, I am always available for any help troubleshooting that you may need, (especially if you are new to babywearing!).

(For option pricing, scroll to bottom of page)

All Custom Kanga's include a basic strap fabric (Organic options are available on request) and your own print fabric.  Customs will include dual-adjust buckles unless single-adjust is specified.

  • Custom Sizing
I will be happy to customize your waist length, shoulder strap length, carrier headrest height, and webbing length.  For extra width on the X2 and XT carriers, you may request the next size up side extensions. Petite shoulder straps are 2" shorter than standard, XL are 2" longer than standard. 

Please keep in mind that extreme modifications may affect the overall design and fit of the carrier. Custom carriers with size modifications (to strap length or waist) are non-returnable.
  • Hood Options
The Kanga may be ordered with a removable hood which can also be made of the printed fabric. You may choose to have your carrier print on the top or bottom of the hood or both sides.

  • Appliqué's
You may choose to have your carrier made with an appliqué'. I've done several unique appliqué's and I'm always open to something a little different.

Pretty much anything can be made into an appliqué' as long as it can be confined to a basic shape. If you have something in mind for your appliqué', please let me know. If you don't have a preference, I will choose one for you.

Appliqués will be placed on the headrest unless otherwise specified.

*Please note, all appliqué designs remain my intellectual property and I retain the rights to reproduce them on other carriers either in part or in whole.  If you have a design that you would like to be exclusive to your carrier, please send original artwork.  Applique's are all hand-sewn with satin stitch, not stitched by a computerized machine.*

  • Paneled Carriers
All carriers have the option of being a multiple fabric (paneled) carrier. This is a carrier with 2 prints or a solid/print combination for the front of the carrier. This option is available on any Kanga. You may also choose to have a print on the side of the mesh in a Sport Kanga.

Print Fabric

One carrier (all the same print), without a printed hood, will need 1 yd.  A paneled carrier (without a printed hood) will need 3/4 yd for the sides and 3/4 yd for the center piece.

For any carrier with a printed hood, please send at least 1.5 yards of fabric so I will be able to match the hood to the body print.The fabric must be 100% cotton or a cotton/linen blend of either quilt-weight or home-decor weight fabric.  No sheer fabrics or voile can be used.   No Spoonflower fabrics due to the shoddy quality of their materials (feel free to ask about this).  If you are unsure, just email me the link to the print and I will let you know if it would work.

  • Sport Carriers
You have the option of having your custom Kanga made as a Sport style carrier.  Sports have a center panel of mesh in either Koolnit or Spacer Mesh (your choice) which helps provide ventilation in hot climates. Spacer Mesh is thicker and more supportive, Koolnit is strong but thin and better in arid regions.  Sports usually have no print, but you may choose to have print paneled with the mesh on the body of the carrier.  This would be considered a paneled-Sport. 

Spacer Mesh Colors
Koolnit colors:

  • Wrap Conversions
Wrap Conversions feature a wrap for the entire front layer of the carrier with canvas on the underside for support and safety.  Any wrap which is 100% cotton or a cotton/linen blend, bamboo, or hemp may be used.  I would need at least 2 meters of wrap fabric. For a hood (1 or 2 sides), add 1/2 meter.  Please note, there is an additional fee for the wrap conversion option.
I can also use a wrap for the panel section only of the carrier instead of a print fabric (with the remainder of the carrier in canvas) and this is no additional charge. For a panel only, I would need 1 yard of wrap.  For a panel and hood (1 or 2 sides), I would need 2 yards.

Options and Pricing
*Please note, the total base price for a custom carrier is $189.  The $89 deposit is due at purchase, the remainder ($100, plus options) due after completion of the carrier.

Custom Shoulder Straps (Petite/XL/Cinching/etc)
Custom Waist (Petite/XL/etc.
Custom body (restrictions apply)
Sport Carrier (mesh center, canvas sides)
Removable Hood$20.00
Print/wrap on Hood (one side, bottom or top)$7.00
Print/wrap on Hood (both sides)$12.00
Applique' (headrest or hood)$30.00
Large Applique' (on body of carrier)
2nd Appliqué' (headrest, hood, or strap)$18.00
Paneled fabrics (also print on Sport sides)$15.00
Wrap Conversion option (wrap front, canvas back)
Doll Carrier$35.00
Drool pad strap protectors$15.00
Fabric chest strap$10.00
Webbing elastics$5.00

Shipping (Priority mail, USPS):  USA:  $12, Canada: $35, International: $45

After purchase of the custom deposit, you will be emailed information on where to ship your fabric and wrap.  Any questions may be directed to Kirsten and

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