
I've created Wood Child Designs for those of you who, like me, admire the aesthetic of makers like Elizabeth Suzann, Shields Design House, and Linenfox, but want the ability to customize fabrics, colors, and sizing to your own liking.

I started making my own clothes in earnest two years ago and, at this point, over a third of my wardrobe is #memade, and #selfdrafted :) Drafting your own patterns is surprisingly fun and addictive! When I started, I created the SustainableFashionChat blog to share my experiences and a few tutorials. Here at Wood Child Designs, I'm offering more complete dimensions and instructions for each item.

My hope is that these self-drafted patterns will give you the ability and confidence to make the clothes you want, in exactly the way you like.

Where did the name "Wood Child" come from? It's the way my family introduces itself in Chinese. My maiden name is "Lee" and it is made of of two characters: Mu, which means "Wood," and Zi, which means "Child." Since there are many characters with the same pronunciation as Lee, we'll often "spell" the name and describe it as "Mu-zi Li", or "Wood-Child Lee."

Please keep checking back. I'll be adding more patterns as I write them up.

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