All About Kangas

All About Kanga's

  • Supportive, comfy waistband
  • Tie or Buckle waist
  • No shoulder strain
  • Side extensions
  • No shoulder seams
  • No underarm chaffing
  • Infant (4 months) - 4 years
  • CPSIA/ CPSC F2236-14 Compliant
At first glance, Bloo Kangaroo carriers look similar to other buckle carriers - but there's more to a buckle carrier than buckles and straps! Let's take a closer look at what makes Kanga carriers special...

  • The Waistband

Have you been looking for a waistband that doesn't gape open the the back, doesn't push your pants down, and feels good to wear? This is the one you've been looking for.

Most carrier waistbands are either non-supportive or thick and bulky. It doesn't have to be that way! Bloo Kangaroo waistbands incorporate a thin, but highly supportive padding that will hold up even under the weight of a 4 year old!

The waist band also sits at your waist instead of your hips which allows for easy range of motion and no drooping pants. The standard size will fit a waist of  up to 54" (when buckled) and down to 26".  A petite waist fits 23"-52".

Something else you'll notice is that there is no stiff webbing in a Bloo Kangaroo waistband. Who wants sharp, stiff, plastic webbing poking and prodding you? The Kanga waist is all fabric - soft yet supportive. The buckles may be easily removed if you prefer a tied waist.

  • Flat panel back

Seat Pleats and darts in a buckle carrier can keep your child from sitting snuggly against your body. This causes their weight to pull back on your shoulders instead of down on your hips.

That hurts!

Because the back panel is flat, a child in a Kanga SSC sits closer to your body, centering their weight on your hips - not your shoulders! With the special lowered side extensions in the XT, there is plenty of comfy seat room for a 4 year old - even without pleats and darts. 

Many experienced wrappers love the Kanga and say that it gives the closest of any buckle carrier to the feel a wrap carry, but with the convenience of buckles.

  • Side Extensions

The shoulder straps of Bloo Kangaroo carriers do not attach directly to the body of the carrier itself but to specially designed buckle extensions on the sides of the carrier.

This moves the buckle out and down creating a larger arm hole for more comfort and combined with the new padded strap extensions prevent underarm chaffing.

The extensions also help disburse the weight of the straps over a larger area - increasing the durability of the carrier. The padded side extensions found on the Kanga-XT are designed to come up under the child's legs. This changes the seating area for the child from 14 inches without the extensions to a much wider 18".

How they work:  As you can see in the picture above, the side extensions actually come up underneath the child's legs and are part of the total width of the carrier. As the child grows and fills up more of the carrier, it will pull the side extensions further underneath their legs, allowing the width of the carrier to "grow" with the child.

  • No Shoulder Seams

Traditional mei tai's and soft carriers have separate shoulder straps attached at the top with several rows of stay stitching. Being one of the most weight-bearing locations for a carrier, this makes traditional shoulder straps vulnerable to ripping and tearing. Since the straps and top body on Bloo Kangaroo carriers are one piece, rips and tears of the shoulder straps are unlikely.
Fewer seams mean more durability.

  • Shoulder strap extensions

All Kanga carriers have 4 inches of extra padding which extends past the point where the webbing begins.

This helps assure a comfy fit for wearers of all sizes and prevents the buckle and webbing from chaffing under the arms.

Kanga straps are filled with soft, high density foam so unlike straps filled with batting, these straps sit comfortably on top of your shoulders instead of "digging in".

Bloo Kangaroo's shoulder straps are also ergonomically curved to fit and are available for custom order or semi-custom (pre-order)  in Petite or XL or as a larger size that cinches to a smaller size (XL cinching to petite or Standard cinching to Petite). 

A petite shoulder strap is 2" shorter than a standard and an XL is 2" longer.  With the strap sizes that "cinch to a smaller size", the padding is the length of the larger size, but the webbing is set 2" higher.  So, for instance, a standard cinching to a petite is the same length of strap padding as a standard, but the webbing is attached in a way that it can be cinched as tightly as a petite. This is really nice if you aren't sure what size of strap you need, for couples sharing a carrier, or wearing a carrier over bulkier clothing in cooler weather.

Return Policy/ Cancellation of Order

After purchasing a carrier, you may cancel your order within 24 hours.  There is a $10 cancellation fee which will be removed from your total purchase price.   After this day, the order will be treated as a return (see below).  

Custom carriers are NOT RETURNABLE.  Pre-order carriers without custom sizing (standard shoulder strap length) and pre-made instock carriers may be returned in like-new condition within 7 days minus a $25 restocking fee.  Fees based on labor or custom options, such as printed hoods, paneling, and applique's are non-refundable.  Shipping fees are not refundable.  For wrap conversions, please make sure of the sizing of carrier you need before you send your wrap to be cut.  No reimbursement for wraps used on returned WCs will be given.  No warranty on carriers not property of original owner, however I happy to help with trouble-shooting on second-hand carriers. 

Please allow 5-6 weeks for delivery of custom and semi-custom carriers since I will be making your carrier from scratch and may need to order materials.

After your carrier is completed, you will have 7 days to pay the remainder of the balance. If you need more time, let me know.  As always if you should have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Because the Kanga is made from 100% natural cotton canvas, the lifespan of the carrier itself will be determined by the extent to which it is subjected to several environmental factors including, but not limited to; UV light (both sunlight and fluorescents) , air pollution, mildew, machine washing, and high atmospheric humidity.  All of these factors actively weaken cotton fibers over time.  Any carrier older than 3 years or which has significant fading from UV-exposure or repeated machine laundering or discoloration from chew or suck marks  should be used with care.


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