So, looking back, I see I am delivering this at least 3 months late. Hopefully, late really is better than never 🙂
The HC Multi cart now has the capability of tracking inventory on individual choices. This means if you have the same item in small, medium, and large, but limited quantities of each, you can now combine them all into one listing. However, this is still not a good choice for high-demand items. Anything OOAK and high demand should still be listed via Buy Now, Hold, Auction or Lottery.
As you probably noticed, I took my own sweet time testing and re-testing this code. Now that it’s live, there’s still some possibility that bugs exist. If you find one, please post about it here.
To use this new feature, just go to your item listing page as usual. You’ll see on choice 1, that there’s now an extra field for quantities. Note that if you leave this field blank, the code will function just as it did before this change. If you fill it in, however, notice that the sum of the quantities you fill into that field will now overwrite the total available quantity for that listing. In other words, if you are listing the quantities of “sm, med. lg” items as “1, 3, 2”, then the overall quantity for your listing will be overwritten as 6. Hopefully that makes sense to you.
If you have 1 red small, 2 green mediums, 1 yellow medium and 2 blue larges, you will need to enter these as 4 separate choices within Choice 1 (as opposed to having Choice 1 be size and Choice 2 being color). Just throwing that note in there as you think about how to consolidate your listings.
Where all the extensive testing came in was ensuring that if you have only 2 larges available, the shopper can’t place more than 2 into her cart. The other thing to check during your first purchases is that your inventory is being adjusted correctly after payment is made. As I said, I tested this as thoroughly as I could, but no one tests the code as thoroughly as you guys!
Also, I know some of you have lots of choices you’d like to be able to offer in one listing. If you find that the fields are too limited in size, please contact support at with your storename and a request to have your fields lengthened. An estimate of how much longer you think the fields need to be would be helpful too (twice as long, just a bit longer, etc.)
Finally, I edited the code for both HC Multi and HC Standard so that when customers check out with discount codes, the name of the code they used is now recorded in the database. Some of you had mentioned that you use your discount code names to track where shoppers come from and I had never thought of that use before.
If I have time this morning, I will also be adding a “Lost Password” function for HC Multi users. If not today, it should show up in the next few days.
Thanks everyone! Have a great weekend 🙂