Internal Server Errors

I apologize for all the Internal Server Errors today. I’m sure it’s been very frustrating for everyone. I can only assume (and hope) that the auxiliary server the host put HC on is some old, poorly powered computer. I say “hope” because I just signed up for a new dedicated server and I hope that when I move all the files over and switch the site to it, that the Internal Server errors will go away completely. I think I will be able to do this with very little or no downtime. Hopefully this will be complete before the end of the weekend.

If the server errors continue, then we have a problem, but we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.

Thanks for your patience everyone!

Downtime today

I apologize for the downtime today. I am going to need to upgrade the HC hosting again in the near future to manage all the traffic the site gets. In the meantime, my host has moved HC to an auxiliary server. I am hoping to find out from them whether I can have a specific scheduled time to do this upgrade so I can give you all warning about when this will happen.

I will keep you updated!

Just a few more little things…

I’ve tweaked the code a little bit so that if a customer logs in from your store page, the login page is framed by your store customizations. So a customer can enter your store, login, shop, etc. without ever leaving *your* site. Also, after log in, the customer should be automatically redirected to the page they logged in from.

One other thing — for HC Standard users, if the payment confirmations are annoying you, you can turn them off on your “Profile” page (very last option on that page).

Added listing tags (for HC Standard — HC Multi coming later)

You now have the ability to add tags to your listings. These will be searchable by the customer. This will give us a standard way to list sizes, materials, etc. and will make it easier for customers to find exactly what they’re looking for. The first step, however, is for you to add tags to your listings. This is totally optional, of course, but it will be easier for people to find your listings if you tag them correctly. You’ll see the new tag field on your stocking pages. Click on “Choose tags” to bring up a window with clickable tag words. You can also enter your own tags.

If you’d like to add tag words to the standard list, please respond on this thread:

You can view the currently available tag list here:

Congo store ordering (and category ordering as well!)

This is a to-do that’s been on the books since I introduced congos on HC. Now the congo admin can easily reorder the congo stores from the “Edit vendor” page. The stores are now ordered by category order, rather than the category number. So to re-order the stores, just enter numbers into the “Category Order” field in the numerical order you like. This will change the order of the stores on your main congo page. The same holds true for regular store categories as well. The numbers don’t have to be sequential (in other words, you can skip numbers and enter 10, 20, 30, etc.). Do be careful not to repeat a number though.

Now you can easily put guest vendors at the top of your store, circulate store order week-to-week, feature a particular store at the top, etc. etc.

A few more notes

Just a few more notes for the HC Standard users.

I took the purchase time and buyer columns off of the stocking page. This was a feature left over from before HC had an orders list. If you need your buyer’s info, it will be on your order history.

I also wanted to note that on Paypal confirm transactions, the database is checked for item availability before the customer can pay. So if a customer orders something, but doesn’t pay for a week, and the item has been purchased by someone else in the meantime, the first customer will not be able to complete the transaction.

Email improvement (I hope)

I’ve made a change in the code which I hope will fix the missing email problem HC has always had. Please let me know if you have a transaction with a missing email (either buying or selling). Post when the transaction occurred and a link to the item. There may be up to a 5 minute delay before you get your message, but you should get it at that point.

Please use this thread to post about missing emails:

Uploading images

I did go through last night and delete product images older than three months old. However, I don’t think this will be the long term solution for image handling. I will work on a way to identify just images of outdated or deleted items and get rid of just those. My apologies for those of you with longstanding listings (like patterns, etc.) that needed to re-upload your product images. This should be the last time you need to do this.

In the meantime, I’ve switched the uploads to a new directory. That means if you are editing an item that already has images uploaded for it, they may not show up on the image upload page even though they already exist. You can leave everything as it is, or upload new images. Either way, the images should show up fine in your store and on your stocking pages. Hope this isn’t too confusing. If you have questions, please respond to this thread:

For those of you who are still having trouble uploading your pictures, I am still trying to nail down the problem. Some of you can’t upload them at all, some can upload some pics but not others, and some can upload, but the images aren’t resized. If you’re still having issues, please respond again to the above thread so I can see all the issues in one place.

Image upload users — please read!

I’ve been getting some bug reports about images not resizing or loading really fuzzy. If you’ve been having problems, please try downloading Firefox and using that as your browser if you don’t already. Also, this may not work, but check the extension of your filenames. If they are in caps (i.e., JPG or JPEG), try changing them to lowercase letters and seeing if that helps. Let me know how things are going by posting on this thread:

Also, I am going to be clearing out old images in the near future. Everything older than 3 months will be purged. There are over 15,000 images in that directory at the moment (yikes!) and that may be making things wonky as well.

If you have been unable to use image uploading for over a month, please let me know and I’ll adjust your paid date to compensate you.