Again, I want to thank you for bearing with me through HC’s growing
pains. I think we’re almost there with changes to the code!
I have re-coded the pricing calculation for options. For non-999
options, the price is the qty of that option multiplied by its price.
For 999’s, the option price is multiplied by the total items included
in the order.
For example, in a custom diaper purchase listed like this:
0-5 Red …. add $10 each
0-4 Blue … add $10 each
0-8 Print … add $12 each
Yes/no touchtape … add $0 each
Yes/no snaps … add $1 each
Yes/no extra doubler … add $3 each
If the customer clicks on 2 Red and 3 Print, yes snaps and yes
doublers, they will be charged:
2*$10 (Red) + 3*$12 (Print) + 5*$1 (Snaps) + 5*$3 (doublers) = $20 +
$36 + $5 + $15 = $76 plus shipping.
As you can see, adding the doublers option means one extra doubler for
*each* diaper ordered. If you put an option that says, for example 20
doublers available, the code will sum your diapers and doublers
together to get the total qty. This is probably not what you want, so
I don’t think it makes sense to have options with quantities that
aren’t part of your main listing. If that’s the case, it will still be
better to have doublers and diapers listed separately and have the
customer e-mail you for the total. Or have them note in the comments
box how many doublers they’d like and invoice them the total. I know
that’s not ideal, but we’re pretty much stretching what HC was
originally coded for and I think that’s the best I can do.
Again, thanks for your patience and help. I appreciate all the bug
reports and suggestions. Please let me know if you are still confused
or need help trying to decide how to list your options.