I’ve been working hard this past month and I think I’m ready to offer
the new HC Multi cart. This cart is a more traditional shopping cart
where customers can place multiple items in a cart and then check out
with everything at once. You can see an example here:
You can test out the admin interface at:
with username admin and password testacart.
The main features are the multiple item checkout, the fact that items
remain in-stock until Paypal has been confirmed, pattern download
information can be entered, and multiple currencies are supported. The
main limitations are flat-rate shipping (I may improve this in the
future), no auctions or lotteries, and overselling is possible in
high-traffic situations. HC Multi stores will still appear in the full
list of HC stores and the calendar as well.
You can read a comparison between HC standard and HC Multi here:
I think many of you have signed up with HC because it’s an easy cart
to use, but it hasn’t been ideal for your business because of the
one-at-a-time shopping limitation. I’m hoping that HC Multi will fit
your business better. In addition, I’d like to limit HC standard to
handmade items from now on with the exception of a few commercial
accessory items like wool wash). This will probably happen naturally
anyway. And note that HC Multi will feature a lot of handmade items as
well, just smaller items which may not be as high-demand as those on
HC standard.
If you’d like to switch your store over, feel free to send me an
email. The pricing is exactly the same, and switching is free. You’ll
be able to cut and paste any graphics and customization you have in
your current store. You’ll also need to cut and paste your listings
from one cart to the other.
Thanks for hosting your store at HC 🙂