Just a couple of quick items. If you’ve been considering switching to
HC Multi, I’d appreciate if you could decide by mid-April. After April
15th, there will be a $5 charge to switch over. Hope you understand 🙂
In other news, a bunch of us are trying to get the HC Forums hopping
and revive the days of high hyena excitement. So far it’s going quite
well. If you’re interested in participating in the giveaway, just go
ahead and start posting at the forums. When you’re ready, post a
message in the middle of the thread… something like “Hey, the first
[fourth, seventh — your choice] person with at least 20 posts who PMs
me gets [a free diaper, a gift certificate, whatever]” When you’ve
done your giveaway, please email me this info:
1) the username of the winner
2) the item they won
3) a link to the thread where you posted the giveaway
4) the retail value of the item
5) your HC ad account username (sign up here if you don’t have one:
and I’ll deposit the retail value of your item into your HC ad account 🙂
Thanks everyone!