Thanks for your input in deciding what to work on next for HC. The facebook app won out and I have two apps ready for you to try out:
- My HC Store: This one is for sellers:
- My HC Faves: This one is for shoppers:
Give them a try and let me know how it goes.
Two things to note:
- With My HC Store, the items that show up are only your in-stock items (quantity greater than 0)
- Facebook won’t render images with spaces in their url’s. So if you have spaces in your photobucket folders, for example, they will have to be renamed (no fun, I know)
Thanks again, everyone!
I’ll be looking into what it takes to make an HC widget next…
Very Cool! Is it possible to add a stand alone store AND a congo?
Hey, that is very cool 😀 Too bad I can’t link it to my group page on Facebook…
Oh look – I can link it to my goup page!
How do you link it to your group page?!?!
That is absolutely AMAZING thanks Karen!!!!
Yeah, I was gonna sk the same question as Selina, I would like to add my congo as well, is that possible?
Anyone know if there is a way to put the tab on your fan page instead of just on your profile?
Ooops should have read further down after clicking the link. For anyone else who isn’t good at following directions like me 😉 look for:
To add the tab to your facebook fan page:
1. Log in to your facebook account (you were probably already prompted to do this).
2. Go to this link (you’ll probably want to do this in another browser tab or window so you can leave this one open. It’s a bit involved.)
3. On the left hand side of the page, click on “Add to my page.”
4. In the pop-up window, select your facebook fan page
5. Go to your facebook fan page and click the “+” sign to the right of your tabs. Click on it and select “My HC Store”
6. Now open up the “My HC Store” tab. You will see a form on which you can enter your HC seller’s login info (only you, as the owner of the fan page can see this form)
7. Fill in your login info and click “Enter.”
8. Now when you go back to your fan page and open the “My HC Store” tab, your store’s items should appear. You will also see the HC seller login form at the bottom of the page in case you ever need to update or change that information. As before, only you can see this form.
Note: You can associate only one store with each “My HC Store” tab, but you can have one store on your personal page and a different store on your fan page.
Oops! Thanks for clearing that up, Crystal! I didn’t notice that because I was so excited to add it to my account!!
That is awesome! Thank you!
great idea!
and thanks, crystal, for the post! i totally missed it as well..
I must be missing a step somewhere?? I can’t get it on my Fan page. 🙁
I’m a dork. Figured it out. LOL
Very cool, thanks!
Love it! Can’t wait for a widget or the ability to put on the sidebar!
Ooh, that was fun!! Thanks!
YEAH it pays to speak up:)
Wonderful, I just seen this feature! I’ve been wishing I had a FB not connected to my daily life account.
It’s not recognizing my username or password. I’ve tried it several times.
it is not working for me what am I doing wrong I just clicked on the link above. is that all I do?
okay I re red this for help and I do not see an add to my page button?
HA FIGURED IT OUT. so disregard my numerous replies,lol.
I tried all the links you have linked to, and it seems the app is no longer available. Am I missing something?