Hi all,
I would love to get your feedback on this idea:
- First click here: http://hyenacart.com/index.php?sticon=1
- Now go to any HC store and notice the icons in the menu bar at top
What do you think?
For now, you can turn them back off by clicking http://hyenacart.com/index.php?sticon=0
Oh, and we can thank the lovely Andrea of WANTED for the little icons 🙂
I am a fan!
Andrea rocks. I’m digging the icons.
so cute! they are keepers!
I really like them, they are simple and clean. I’ll try to remember to browse using them the next few days, but so far I find them useful.
I think they’re CUTE! Good job! 🙂
I love them! 🙂
like it 🙂
I like ’em! 🙂
Love them!
love it!
Very cute!
I hate to be the voice of dissention, but I’m not a fan. I have to hover over each one to see what it was for. The drop-down menu is much quicker. Maybe if I used them for a while it would become instinctive, but right now I prefer the menu. They are adorable though!
I have to agree with Amy Sue, in that although I find them adorable, I did have to hover over each to see exactly what they were supposed to do for me, as opposed to the drop down like everything else is in the top bar, that just says the words of what it is doing… obviously with time I would figure them all out and just “know” what they signified, but at this moment they certainly take a little learning curve to adjust to.
i like them. i don’t think the learning curve is anything to worry about – hover and/or use them a couple of times and i’m pretty sure the function of each icon will be easily remembered.
I like them 🙂
I think it will prove to be a useful and speedy function. Thanks, Andrea!
I love them!
I like them.
I love them!! Great idea!
I’m probably the only one who can’t find anything different between the pages. Sorry.
I don’t see anything, like Darice. I’m running Firefox, so I don’t know if that makes any difference.
It took me a few minutes to figure out what each was for, but I like them a lot. They’re clean and simple and easy to remember now that I know what they are.
Oh My just what I thought we needed. It is much more visible now. Now if we could just get people to leave feedback when the click on the icon.
I love it!
I like them! Faster than using the drop down menu.