Please read: raffles and server crashes

Hi all,

Just a quick announcement and a request:

  • We are changing the policy on raffles on HC. Raffles (i.e., any set-up where entrants have to pay for a chance to win — not to be confused with lotteries, where entry is free) are *only* to be run for charity. In addition, if you are running a raffle for charity, you will need to provide proof that it is legal in your geography (state and / or country) to run a lottery. This proof (preferably a link to a website or scanned document stating the legality of the raffle) will need to be posted somewhere on the charity site for everyone’s reference. If it turns out it isn’t legal to run raffles in your location, you may still offer items for charity by lottery, Buy Now, or auction listings. This new policy will be in effect starting May 15, 2008.
  • As for server crashes: if you are a seller who has caused any downtime / slowdowns on the server recently (I think you know who you are, lol), would you please only stock your items by auction or lottery for now? I am exploring new options that might enable the server to withstand high-traffic Buy Now sales, but until you hear that these are up and running, please respect this request. It will keep HC working for everyone’s enjoyment. Thanks!

That’s all for now. I have high hopes that the Spots’ Corner feedback system will be installed this week and you’ll hopefully be hearing about other exciting features soon!

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