Store templates! WYSIWYG editor! Better image quality?

Hi everyone!

Hope the flowers are blooming and the weather is getting warmer where you are!

OK — a couple of updates:

  1. I’ve commissioned Andrea of WANTED Web designs to put together some templates for HC stores. She’s done a fantastic job (as we all knew she would). To access these templates, go to your Shop Config / Store Profile page and follow the directions. I’ve tried to make them as user friendly as possible. The HC test stores have never looked so good: the HC Standard store is sporting the beautiful Brown Wisp design, while the HC Multi store is looking dashing in Black and Grey. You’ve got 6 lovely designs to choose from, so let’s put an end to plain Jane HC stores 🙂 If you’d like to use these as a jumping off point, feel free to edit these templates at will. And if you’d like a couple of tweaks to make them yours, feel free to contact Andrea directly. She’d love to help out!
  2. I’ve added a WYSIWYG editor for product descriptions in both HC Multi and HC Standard. What the heck is WYSIWYG? It stands for “What you see is what you get,” and it means you now have a nice, word-processor-like formatter for entering your product descriptions. Those who would prefer to use raw html, there’s a little icon at the bottom right of the editor window that lets you view and edit the html code. This is a java script, so you need to make sure java is enabled for your browser. If this is a problem for a lot of people, I may need to make this an optional thing, but for now, we’re all switched over to the new editor.
  3. Finally, I’ve heard quite a few complaints about the image quality of images uploaded to the HC server. I’ve tweaked the code a bit and hope it improves things. If not, would you mind sending me some examples of how your images are getting degraded with the uploads? Maybe I’m just insensitive to it, but I never notice anything when I upload my own images. Thanks!

If you have trouble with any of these new features, please post to this thread on the forums.

Thanks everyone!

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