I’m happy to announce that Trista of Olive Branch Baby has agreed to join the HC support staff 🙂 Trista will be helping out with personal relations and conflict resolution. So if you have any issues in those areas, you can email her at trista at hyenacart.com or contact her via the helpdesk.
So, you may wonder, what does Karen do now? I have a few things on my plate. I’m going to work on re-coding the calendar so stores can show up once a week, not once in a rolling three week period the way it is now. This will cut down on confusion about showing up on the calendar, and address the issue of dropping off of the current week’s calendar when previewing items for next week. This is a pretty big change, so I can’t promise it will be done for at least a week or two. After that, I understand there’s an issue with tags disappearing on listings. If anyone’s noticed a pattern as to when this happens, please drop me a line at karen at hyenacart.com. Finally, I’ll be adding the capability for sellers to delete lottery entrants and auctions bids from their listings. Again, timing on this is a bit out there, let’s shoot for the end of July.
Thanks everyone!