Welcome back, and update!

This was mostly posted on the Yahoo group, but I’ve updated some information:

Welcome to your new server! It’s bigger, better and faster
than our old one. I’m hoping we all see an even great performance
increase than we saw last time we upgraded (less than a year ago!)

First of all, I want to apologize again for the downtime. I don’t
think the previous host will ever figure out exactly what’s wrong with
it. I’m able to access it now, but it still throws out a lot of errors.

Second, I have a laundry list of items I wanted to go over:

1) The site is currently at about 80% capability. I’m still working
through getting everything configured and working on the new server.

  • the calendar isn’t working yet, but I’m hoping to get it worked
    out soon *update: this should be working now*

  • likewise, paid date updating may not work correctly yet because
    of the same issue *update: this should be working now*

  • image uploading doesn’t seem to be working yet *update: the older i
    mage uploader is working. The java one isn’t yet, but will be soon, hopefully*

  • there’s probably quite a bit more that I don’t know about yet.
    You might want to hold off on submitting help tickets for a few more days.

    2) There was some data lost in the move. The databases were backing up
    every evening. However, as the server crashed, it became unable to
    create the backup files. I took the most recently created backup files
    I could find to restore the site on the new server. Please understand
    — it is impossible to make database backups every minute of the day,
    so when something like this happens, some data will inevitably be
    lost. I am now able to access the very latest database info so if you
    lost a lot of listings or info, please submit a support ticket to
    karen at hyenacart.com for a database restore. Remember though, that
    this will set you back to last Friday, and anything that’s happened in
    the database since yesterday will be lost instead.

    I realize this isn’t ideal, and that items are being re-sold, order
    info has been lost, etc. This is pretty painful for all of us. If you
    feel that you need some compensation for time and effort lost, please
    open a ticket at karen at hyenacart.com and we’ll see what we can do
    to work it out.

    In the meantime, check your store for items that sold Friday and may
    be showing available again and take them out of stock. Please email
    customers who’ve purchased sold items and let them know the situation.
    They can contact me if they have questions.

    It’s not practical for me to go back and restore all the latest
    databases at this point. It takes several hours to do this, and in the
    meantime, changes are being made on the currently available database
    that would be lost at the restore. Our best bet is to keep moving on
    at this point (although, like I said, I can restore parts of the
    database on an ad hoc basis as requested). Unfortunately, in a site as
    dynamic as this, there just isn’t a way to make a perfectly clean

    3) THANK YOU for your supportive words and emails. This is an amazing
    community and all of your encouragement has really helped me get
    through this. So thank you for your understand and patience. I really,
    really appreciate it!

    4) Don’t panic if you still can’t access the site. It takes up to 72 hours for
    the new server information to be communicated across the whole internet.
    Everything should be accessible in another day at most.



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