More detail regarding the new HC Multi features

I had forgotten that the HC Standard folks might want a bit more detail on what these new features are. So here are the descriptions of the stocking options in HC Multi now:

The HC Multi Cart offers 5 different ways to stock an item:

  • Standard
  • This is the default stocking method. Items in this method remain in-stock until the customer checks out with them. Multiple customers can cart these items simultaneously, leaving the possibility of overselling. However, this is the only method that allows customer choices and product quantities greater than one. In most cases, Standard listings are the typical choice. The other four methods are used in high-demand situations.

  • Hold
  • With this method of listing, only one customer will be able to cart the item. The item will be held in that customer’s cart for 10 minutes. If the customer does not complete checkout within that amount of time, the item automatically restocks. Pending items are marked “Pending” in the store, with a count down to let other customers know when to expect the item to be restocked if payment is not completed. In general, this is a good option for high-demand items. However, there is a slight chance of overselling if a customer is still in Paypal completing checkout when the restocking time occurs.

  • Buy Now
  • This is similar to HC Standard’s Buy Now-style listing. The first customer to click “Buy Now” is committing to purchase the item. It is immediately taken out of stock. In the event that the customer does not complete payment, the seller can restock the item from the Modify listing view.

  • Auction
  • This option allows you to offer your item by auction. See the Fake Auction for more details.

  • Lottery
  • This is another way to offer a high-demand item. Customers may enter their name to have a chance at purchasing the item. At the specified end time, a lottery winner is randomly chosen from the entrants.

For each of the last 4 options, the buyer (or auction or lottery winner) will be the only customer able to cart that particular item. The customer will then be able to shop the store for more items to add to her cart before completing checkout.

The option to shop without logging in is only available for Standard style listings. All other listings require the customer to log in. Finally, these options do not work correctly with MO or check payment. Payment must be completed via Paypal in order for the inventory updating to work correctly.

Essentially, HC Multi can now do everything that HC Standard does, and more. Once we get all the bugs worked out, I will probably stop offering HC Standard to new sellers, except for congos and stores with several different sellers. Unless anyone thinks otherwise?

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