Multi-edit for HC Multi users and marketing kicking up a notch :)

Ok — I know this has been a long time coming. I finally got around to adding a multi-edit feature for the HC Multi users. This allows you to edit all of your items simultanously. Should be especially helpful as you set your shipping pricing. You’ll see the “Multi-edit” link on your left-hand menu.

And the HC Marketing campaign is starting to get in gear. There are fliers to printout and business card graphics to download and customize on the HC Marketing page. Also, you might want to consider buying some of these beautiful postcards:

at the HC Marketing shop. I am really pleased with the way these came out! These are perfect for handing out to playgroup moms, craft fair shoppers, family and friends. If every registered HC shopper were to bring in 10 new shoppers, we’d have over 100,000 hyenas out there!

Which reminds me — if you do pass out HC materials, make sure to put your referral id number (found on your My HC shopper page) on them and ask people to enter that when they register. The person who brings in the most new shoppers who buy at least one item at HC will be eligible for a prize later in the year 🙂

Thanks everyone!

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