HC Standard users — new feature: Paypal confirm!

I had a request for this feature last week and I have basically been obsessed with getting it finished up and out to you since then. Now, in addition to offering items by the standard method, auctions, and lotteries, you can choose to offer a listing by “Paypal confim.” This will list your item as usual. However, when the customer clicks “Buy Now”, the item will remain in stock until Paypal payment has been completed. This should work with any combination of choices, discounts, shipping, etc. I’ve tested as much as I can, but there may still be some bugs here and there, so please let me know if a customer purchases and pays for an item and the order history doesn’t reflect a “Paid” status. Note that the item must be paid for using the Paypal buttons on HC — a direct payment to you can’t be tracked. For now, only payment through Paypal can change the status of an order from New to Paid, but if it’s needed, I can go back later and add the option of letting the seller edit an order to reflect a Paid status.

In addition to this, even on standard orders, when the order is paid, the status switches from New to Paid and you will also be able to see the customer’s address directly on the order details page.

I hope this new feature makes it even easier for you to list and sell your items 🙂 To list an item by Paypal confirm, just use the drop-down menu (where you set Standard, Auction, or Lottery) and select that option. Also note, that it *is* possible to oversell using Paypal confirm, so I don’t recommend it for highly sought-after items.

Thanks for hosting your store with HC!

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