Hi everyone 🙂
I have just coded up a survey for you to take next time you’re logged into your vendor pages. I don’t think you’ll miss it. The link is in an ugly green box that will come up on your welcome page 🙂 I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to respond. I’m trying to prioritize my mile-long to-do list and would love your input. Your survey answers will be kept completely confidential, although I may share some of the statistics with you all when more people have responded. As an added incentive, your response will add you to a drawing for $10 (Paypal, HC$ or paid time on your cart — whichever you prefer).
Also, I tweaked the Spots code yesterday to filter out items with the words “free” or “ffs” in the list of Most Spotted and Recently Spotted items. I really want these lists to reflect the most amazing and breathtaking items being offered at HC, not the free-est. I’m also filtering on the word “sneak” to keep sneak peeks off of the lists, reserving them for actual items for sale. There’s nothing wrong with offering free items or creating fake listings for sneak peeks. I would just ask that you continue to use those words in the titles so they are correctly filtered out of the Spots lists.
Finally, I will be adding a customer survey as well (hopefully sometime tomorrow), so you can expect to see that too, when you’re logged in to shop 🙂
Thanks for your help!