We signed up with a new host!

They are building our server now, and we’ll begin the migration process over the weekend. There won’t be any downtime right now. Once the new server’s up, I’ll be doing testing and modification with them to ensure all the code functions properly and settings are correct. Then we’ll do the final sync and transfer the site to the new server. At that point, we’ll be down

 for roughly 12-24 hours, as the new DNS information propagates over the web. I don’t know exactly when that will be yet, but it should be sometime early next week. I’ll give you more specifics as we get closer to the downtime so you can plan around it.

Thanks so much for your patience everyone. In the meantime, you can proceed with caution on the site. There have been 1100-1200 shoppers online for most of the day and we have not heard recent reports of issues.


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