Hi everyone,
We have been having a very spirited discussion in the Shop Talk forum (PM a request to a forum mod of you need access) here and then continued here. The upshot is that there is strong demand for a site redesign, among many other things. I would love to broaden the conversation and get more input from sellers who may not be on the forums. Feel free to read through the discussion if you like, or, if you prefer not to (or don’t have time), I just have a few things to ask for now.
First, if you have a site suggestion or feature request please post it on this page:
Or, if you see a request already listed there that you agree with, please vote for it. This will help me gauge demand and prioritize the numerous requests that both you and the shoppers have. Note you need to be logged into your shopping account in order to post a request or vote. Also, if you’ve made a request in the past and I’ve promised to put it on my to-do list, if you could re-post it to the Feature Request page, that would be extremely helpful to help me keep everything in one place. Thanks!
Second, here is an image of the proposed site redesign (click here for a bigger image). I’d love input in the comments section here. I will make the site skinnable so if you prefer the current look, you will have the option of continuing to see the site the way it is now. In either case, in the coming weeks, I will be putting more control ion the images that can show on the front page to emphasize truly high quality products and really showcase the best of HC 🙂 Thanks everyone!
I think the new design is an improvement. I do think you need to lose the text box at the top of the page. It looks messy and it is info that is already on the page in other places.
I like the new design, a lot. Love the Earth.
I agree with Allison. The new layout looks great! Very professional and clean but the text at the top isn’t needed.
I like the overall look and the new logo a lot. But think the text starting with welcome doesn’t look good. To many links and is distracting to try to read. The same links are also further down on the left
I love the new look – it looks so much more clean and professional! Love the little earth logo. But I do agree about the text Sara mentioned. I do like the words themselves as they provide a summary of the website’s mission, but there’s just something about them that becomes a bit too much. Perhaps even removing the underlining for links would make it so much cleaner looking, especially since the items it describes can easily be found by clicking the links on the left collumn. But overall, I totally love the new look and how professional it would become!
When will this overall color change/earth symbol take place?
The proposed re-design is really needed. I agree to remove the text at the top. People do not READ online. They look for visual cues and click.
I agree with the others, much more professional looking, cleaner, and the logo is cute. And ditto on removing the text at the top.