SEO your store before 5/4 and get a month paid time for free :)

I know, sometimes we just need a kick in the pants to do the more chore-like parts of running a business. So how about, instead of a kick in the pants, I offer you some positive motivation? Follow the directions below and, I will add a month’s paid time to your store. I’ll give you a week: from now until midnight on 5/4. Enough time to do it, but not enough time to procrastinate too much.

So here’s what you need to do:

  • For your overall store:
    • Add keywords to your store in the Store Settings >> Profile Page >> Key Words field. Make these descriptive and specific to the products you make (for example, ‘hand made natural soap’, or ‘hand dyed merino wool’). This text won’t show up in your store, but it will show up in your meta-tags
    • Add a description to your store in the Store Settings >> Profile page >> Store description field. Make it keyword rich (in other words, if you make pocket diapers, include that phrase a few times in your description text). This text won’t show up in your store, but it will show up in your meta-tags
    • Add some text in the intro or footer section of your store that includes key words describing your products. It’s a good welcome message to have at the top of your store: “Welcome to ABC store. We offer hand dyed yarn, hand spun yarn, hand knit soakers, and knitting patterns. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.” You can also add some more information at the bottom of the page: “My hand dyed yarn is dyed in colorways inspired by nature. The yarn is organic Blue Faced Leicester from Scotland, etc. etc. etc.”
    • Link to your store from some external site (your own website, your blog, your facebook page, etc.)
  • For each listing:
    • Make your title descriptive enough to be found via a google search. Too often, we use colorway names, or other names that are meaningful to us and our loyal customers, but don’t actually describe the item (is it a dress? is it yarn? is it a diaper? is it a napkin?) Whatever it is, make sure that word or phrase shows up in the title of your item
    • Use specific key words in your description as well. Consider including several combinations of your key words (for example ‘natural soap’, ‘handmade soap,’ ‘all natural soap’
    • Fill in your tags section with keywords. Include various combinations of your key words
    • Don’t forget you can use the Batch Edit pages to make these changes more quickly and easily!
  • Email me at hyenacart [at] with
    • A link to your store
    • A link to the external site that links to your store (from the 4th bullet under the overall store instructions)

Why would you want to do all this work (other than getting a free month of paid time)? Well, consider this — the most trafficked stores on Hyena Cart get their traffic not only via the main site pages, but also via search engines, especially Google. Doing this work to SEO your store will increase your chances of being found via web searches, by new customers who are actively looking for products like yours!

What if you’ve already done all this? Send me your info anyway, and I’ll still give you a month’s paid time. You deserve it 🙂

Thanks everyone!

35 Replies to “SEO your store before 5/4 and get a month paid time for free :)”

  1. done 🙂

    although I need to talk to the person who did my page on how to edit header/footer 🙂 but after that I’ve complied 🙂

  2. I started my store at the beginning of the month and have everything done from the beginning except the external link. I can’t figure out how to get the little facebook button (not the box, just the button). Do we still get a free month if we already had the stuff done before?

  3. Updated my second store! I’m glad you pointed out that you can add text to the top and bottom, it motivated me to figure out how to add it. Thanks!

  4. Anyone know how long this will take to take effect? My week is up on the 1st and I was wondering if I should renew or if the free month will kick in by then.

  5. Has this worked right way for all of you? I haven’t received my free month yet and I am getting a little worried!

  6. Jen — did you send an email? I am caught up to yesterday’s emails. It’s been taking me 24-48 hours to get through them. Everyone else — please email to hyenacart [at] as requested in the post. Thanks!

  7. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for the FREE month! I wasn’t expecting that (I took “paid time” to mean advertising, which I wouldn’t likely have used).

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