Those of you who already have awesome store designs can just skip on by this post. But if you have struggled with putting together a nice looking store, you can now use the new “Store design” page (under the Store Settings menu) to create a great look for your store. There are three ways to use the page:
- Choose template (easy): simply choose a template, hit “Update config” and you’re in business!
- Customize template (intermediate): either start with one of the pre-made templates, or start from scratch, choosing a background, and colors for the border, text, links, etc.
- Customize CSS (advanced): this is the mode we’ve always had, allowing you full control over the css of your store
The Profile Page has been updated to remove all the design / appearance options that have been moved to the Store Design page.
The old profile page is still available for those of you who just don’t like change (it’s at the bottom of the Store Settings menu).
And finally, one HUGE WARNING. If you choose or customize a template, it will overwrite all of the css / text you have in the intro section of your store. Please save your current intro text to a separate file if you’d like to try playing around with the templates.
The nice folks at are generously allowing us to use their backgrounds. I’ve added my favorites to the Customize templates page. Let me know if you like the looks of any of their other images and I’ll add them to the choices.

Thanks everyone!
Would it be possible to move the Shop Options back to the Profile Page? It’s really confusing the way it is now. Managing shop options like Landing and Subcategories pages should be independent of the page design. I didn’t realize that changing those options on the “Store Design” page would wipe out all of my customized CSS!
I did realize that it would wipe it out and I figured I could manipulate the HTML to bring all of my changes back. However, I’m finding that not to be the case. I am a novice so maybe someone could just explain how to get the tagline back in there??
I do think the changes are great but I guess I need a little bit of instruction on how to recreate CSS after it’s been wiped out.
Thanks for all of the wonderful changes to Hyenacart lately!
nevermind! I found it. duh…..
uggggg……I have a lot of work to do. It is wiping all my clients carts. I guess because of my mix of HTML and Css. it just wipes it all. Now I have to redo so many sites coding. I don’t have to, but I’m nice like that 🙂
I am used to HTML and not quite sure how to use CSS, but am willing to learn! One thing that really confuses me is that when I change something simple in the “Customize CSS” area, like the color of a font, then save it, there are extra slashes inserted all over that mess up the coding on my page and I have to start all over again with a template, it is so messed up. Why is this happening? I was able to save multiple times yesterday without the slashes being inserted?
OK — thanks for all the feedback.
I’ve tried to make the design page “smarter”, so it takes you the right place (easy, intermediate, advanced), based on your current design. Hopefully that will minimize confusion.
Sarah — sorry about the slashed thing. It should be fixed now. Let me know if not.
I like the new store design feature. I’ve been on HC for 5 years and never could get the hang of CSS. My one request: I was using a different background from Background Labs. On the intermediate page, could you add a place to put in a link to your own background graphic? Right now the choices are either one of the HC selections or solid color. Thanks!
Where or how do I put in my stat counter code when using the Intermediate store design?
Dawn, thanks for the feedback. There is now a separate field for entering a third-party tracking code like statcounter’s.
As for the background image, the easiest thing to do for now will probably be to choose a backgroundlab image, then go to the Customize CSS tab and replace the backgroundlab url with the url of the background image you would like to use. It will be found in the Intro text near the beginning.