Vacation mode! And re-extension of store usability after paid time expires

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know I’ve just added the capability of putting your store in vacation mode for both HCS and HCM 🙂 Just scroll all the way down to the bottom of your Store Settings >> Profile page and you’ll see the field.

Along with that, I’ve re-extended the time that shops are usable after paid time expires. Recall it used to be forever. Then I cut it back to two months. Now it’s 6 months (we’ll see how that goes for now, maybe we’ll extend it more if it causes no issues). That means shoppers can still view your store and purchase listings for 6 months after your paid time expires. As before, though, your store will not show up in the directory and your listings will not come up in the site search if your paid date is more than two months old.

If you are taking a break and you don’t want shoppers to be able to purchase items, then you should put your store in vacation mode.

When your store is in vacation mode, no listings will show up, and if a shopper happens to have the url that takes them directly to a listing, they still won’t be able to purchase it. You can put a vacation / away message in the Intro / Header section of the Profile page to let your customers know what’s up. Please let me know if you have any questions / issues. Thanks!

9 Replies to “Vacation mode! And re-extension of store usability after paid time expires”

  1. I’m not sure where to post this, but I would love to see the ability to comment on feedback left by my customers. So often they ask a question when leaving feedback or something and I’d love the ability to comment like on ebay. Anyways, just a suggestion 😀

  2. Yay!! Thank you so much! That is such a great option! Thank you for always working and improving HC! It is MUCH appreciated 🙂

  3. awesome! i had been “hoping” that the time a store would be visible, but not active, would be extended, though i had never formally requested such an option since i hadn’t stocked in over a year. now that i’m “back” i’m happy to see this change 🙂

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