Hi everyone!
I’m excited to announce that the new storetop menus are now live across all HC stores 🙂 If you get any questions from your customers about how to use the menu, or what features it includes, please point them to this page.
In other news, there are three gorgeous new store templates to be found on your Store Settings >> Profile page. They were designed by the very talented Kandace of Kandace Wright Designs. Check them out — they are something else!
I hope to have another exciting announcement regarding the search function in the next day or two. Stay tuned!
Thanks for shopping/selling HC 🙂
Thanks so much for making these menus, Karen. I love how they work.
I am having a small issue (pun intended 😛 ) The category menus for my multicart have gotten teeny tiny and I can’t figure out how to make them legible again. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I love the convenience of the menus… but I’m also having the “small” issue. I went ahead and changed the font size in the body of my listings… but I’m not sure how to change the size of the text right above the “buy now” button. Help! 🙂
Thank you for all your work Karen. With this new feature the feedback button has dissappeared from my cart. I looked around at several others and it looks like they are missing the feedback link as well. Is there a way to get that link back?
Michelle – It’s under the Store level menu (check this page out for more details: http://hyenacart.com/storetop_menu_exp.php)
Carolyn – fixed your issue. There was a typo in your style sheet that said 4px instead of 14px 🙂
Megan — linky please?
I love the changes but it has monkeyed up my tables. Here is a pic of the lay out…it is an old pic but shows where the green should be so that my category images blend-in instead of how they stand out now.
I am loving the storetop menu. Thank you Karen for the hard work you have put into it.
newbie here! and I cant figure out how to have a shopping cart. how do I get rid of the “Buy it now” option. I want to have a cart where you can view all your items and then it can take you to paypal! thanks!!