All bath and body and edibles sellers, please read!

Hi everyone,

I wanted to make sure all bath and body and edibles sellers are aware of this: you must, by law, have an ingredients label on all of the products you sell. I am not an expert in this area, so there may well be exceptions to this that I don’t fully understand, but as a general principle, you really should include an ingredients label if an item is to be ingested, used as a cosmetic (including lotions or creams), or is a soap with therapeutic claim (e.g., good for dry skin). If you want more info, here is a link to start with: . As a shopper of the yummy B&B offerings on HC myself, I would also add that having an ingredients statement on your listing is important as well. It helps people with allergies avoid ingredients that could cause issues, and also gives a level of confidence in the product.

Please ensure that your products are correctly labeled with ingredients and strongly consider adding an ingredients statement to all of your listings.

In other news, there are several exciting projects in the works which will hopefully get rolled out in the next few months including an improved search, the menu bars mentioned in this post (don’t worry, I’ll give a chance for you to give feedback before it’s totally complete), and some new very cool store templates. We’ll also be running another ad in Mothering as well as the Summer issue of Brain, Child. Thanks everyone, for hosting your stores on HC!

5 Replies to “All bath and body and edibles sellers, please read!”

  1. I’m only reading this because I’m nosy, not because I sell these things 🙂 I just wanted to point out that the same goes for people that sell textile, fiber, and apparel items. The FTC has labeling laws that everyone is supposed to be following.

  2. I try to put all my ingredients on the listing on my cart. There were a few items that I assumed people knew were in there, that later I discovered they did not know at all.
    So, yeah, lesson learned on the web part. I have been going through and trying to be sure everything is there on each and every one.
    I hope to have this all done soon:)

  3. Yes, diaper rash cream needs a label also. Like Karen said ‘bar soap’ is immune unless it is ‘aromatherapy’ or ‘theraputic’. Etsy is a great place to find custom labels. Much more affordable for people that don’t need 100 sheets of each label. 🙂

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