Hi all,
Just wanted to notify you of a few HC Multi features I’ve added:
- Shoppers now have a space during checkout to leave comments. They can also leave comments during the Paypal checkout process. These comments are all added together and recorded in the database (viewable on the order details page)
- On your order detail page (as a seller), there is now a field where you can record notes to yourself regarding the order. These are only viewable by you, the seller.
- The shipping method chosen is no longer shown in the Buyer’s Memo field, but it continues to be shown in the order details table (to the left of the shipping amount)
- The order details have been added to the email that gets sent to both the buyer and the seller
Please email the support desk at support [at] hyenacart.com if anything seems to be working incorrectly.
In other news, the CPSC has issued a stay of enforcement of the CPSIA. What this means is that you should still do the due diligence to ensure that your items are lead-free, but the testing and issuance of certificates is not necessary until next year (and work is ongoing to amend and improve this law). Please continue to remain in contact with your goverment representatives and request the changes detailed in this earlier post.
Thanks everyone!
yay karen! you rock. thank you for the continuous improvements to an already wonderful site!
I so love that we will have order details in out emails now! WooHoo!!! Thanks!
Awesome! TY! Also TY for posting about the “stay” and especially to keep in contact w/government reps! There is a lot of confusion in a lot of people’s minds about the “stay” and many think we’re off the hook completely (which we aren’t-yet).
#2 – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! How many times I have wished to be able to make notes on orders….this is perfect!
Thank you Karen. What a nice surprise today to get two orders with the details in the email. Much appreciated 🙂
I noticed teh info in the emails the other day! You rock!! Thanks so much!
THANKS, Karen!!! That is so helpful 🙂