Hi all,
Hope your fall is going well. I just wanted to send out a quick note to adjust the policy on Featured Shops listings. From here on in, Featured Shops images will be limited to product images only (i.e., no text, clip art, etc.). One of the purposes of the images is to enhance the visual impression of the site, and I feel that the best way to do this is with great photographs of your beautiful items. Let your items speak for themselves and draw the shoppers in! I am going to leave the currently running ads alone, but any ads uploaded after this evening will be suspended if they contain text or non-product images. I will then give the seller a chance to upload a different image and restart the ad. Thanks for your cooperation!
Sounds good to me! 🙂
I think that sounds very resonable.
Good call. There was just 4 out of 5 ads with writing on them when I just checked. I agree that a REALLY great pic of a product is more enticing. I bought many things that I probably never would have b/c of good pics strategically placed 😉
Would you consider allowing rotating pictures then, like in a banner? It makes it very hard for a congo to use featured spots if we can only highlight one vendor.
Sorry, no animations, but you can make an image which is a composite of several product photos. I’ve seen other sellers do this and it works really well.
As a designer I do understand your need for wanting to keep things looking nicely however I agree with Allision that this change puts congos at a huge disadvantage. There is no way we can feature all of our shops fairly on a tiny image even with a composite photo. This is an unfortunate change for the 70 congos in my opinion.
We’ve been featuring special items as a congo. It’s been quite an incentive to come up with a really rockin’ item that all your congo mates are excited about. You can just rotate who has the featured item, kwim? I totally agree that it’s much more visually appealing to see item photos, and really don’t like to see ads.
I agree with this policy change. It will make the Calendar page much more inviting.
Here’s a thought… Perhaps congos could feature a collaborative set, and therefore highlight more than one seller? Besides, any traffic into a congo is beneficial to every seller in the congo, regardless of whose photo brought the traffic in.