Vendor page redesign!

I am very excited to announce that the vendor pages, both HCS and HCM, have been redesigned to fit with HC’s new look. I really hope you find this as much of an improvement as I do. The pages are more usable, more attractive, and much more professional-looking.

In addition to the new look, the following improvements / bug fixes were made:


  • Added batch editing for quantities, descriptions and shipping options (see Product Listings >> Batch edit
  • Added Completed, Shipped, and Cancelled options to order status in addition to New and Paid
  • Changed “Add item” listing page so all the other listings aren’t shown, just the form to add the item


  • Fixed bug that didn’t allow IE users to change order status
  • Fixed bug that caused IE to hang if item was added without category being chosen

Both carts:

  • Drop-down menu with logical grouping of vendor files
  • Changed image uploading code so images can now be added directly while creating a new listing, rather than having to create the listing first and then modify it. This also fixes the bug where tags were being lost after uploading images
  • Added RSS feed to HC Blog on vendor welcome page
  • Moved payment to separate page rather than having it show at the footer of every page
  • Added “Delete store” request on “Make changes” page

Hopefully you can still find your way around the pages ok. I know it will take some getting used to, but like I said, I’m hoping you will eventually view it as an improvement!

Remember, you can comment or ask questions directly here on the Blog.

Thanks everyone! Have a great Hyena evening!

17 Replies to “Vendor page redesign!”

  1. I really love the new look for the vendor pages Karen! I think it matches the rest of the site nicely.

    I only have one request if possible…I noticed that we can still add items using HTML, but can no longer edit items using HTML. Could we add that feature back? Not sure if it was overlooked or just does not fit on the page.

    Otherwise, great job! 🙂

  2. I love the new look, however, I really would prefer that the order numbers change color when we have viewed orders. I use this to double check myself when packaging orders. Now, when I click on an order and go back, the orders I have viewed, and the ones I have not viewed, all look the same. If that doesn’t make sense, please email me and I’ll explain further.

  3. Wow – it looks nice, but will take some time to get used to.

    I’m not sure if this is the right place, but I would love to see a few new options. In the “add products” page, I would love to be able to click on the different categories and only see those products (ie: click on flannel/flannel wipes and see only the products in that category). I find myself scrolling down and searching for items because the list is so long and all mixed up. I’d love to be able to click on the top column (ie: category) and have everything sort out alphabetically (ie: flannel/flannel, flannel/sherpa, multi-size, newborn).

    Also, is there any way of having the option to “remember me” so I don’t have to log in every time I go to my vendor page? I can’t tell you how many times I was editing my “about me” page and then realized I timed out and lost all my information.

    One more thing…some of the page print seems really small…the orders, the edit info page…I’m almost squinting to read some of this. I realize my computer resolution is set really small also, but I never had a problem before.

    Oh I LOVE that when I click the view store option now it opens a new window! Awesome.

    I agree with the above comment about the number changing color when you click them…I miss that.

    Ok, I’ll play more with it tomorrow & Sunday when I start listing stuff 😀

  4. Every time I put up listings, I find myself wishing for an expanded batch editing option and a way to add listings without seeing every single item that I’ve ever put up. Thanks so much for reading my mind! 😀

  5. Looks wonderful Karen! Thank you so much. I was just in admin (HCS) and there does not seem to b an option to mark an order as canceled as it says above. I am just getting completed, paid, shipped, new. I have quite a few where people have purchased an informational listing and would love to cancel those out. 😉

  6. It looks great Karen but I suppose I am only slightly biased aren’t I.

    What I love the most is that now the two carts seem VERY similar and so people making the switch from one to the other won’t feel confused going into their new cart.
    It Rocks!

  7. Thanks for the comments. Good catch, Bonnie — I added the Canceled option 🙂

    I’ve considered the “Remember me” thing, but with shopper’s info and stuff, I think it’s better to have the extra security of the automatic log-off.

    And you can use the drop-down menu in the top right (of HCM) to filter your listings on the category.

  8. Cool! Thanks 😀

    One more thing I noticed…I usually “print page” of the orders I receive to mail out as invoices/packing slips, but now they print in about a 2 x 2 inch square instead of the whole page. Is there any way to fix that? Or is there a “print invoice/packing slip” option somewhere that I’m missing?

    Thanks 😀

  9. One more question…on the orders page, I notice there are different color lines under each order so you can tell whose order is paid for etc. Is it possible to darken the darker lines as I’m having a really hard time telling which order is paid for, shipped or cancelled or whatever. If that didn’t make any sense, I’ll try to re-word it 😀

  10. I, too, am missing the printable order page. I print those off as packing slips, and now it only prints the heading and none of the order information.

    Looks good, otherwise!

  11. The redesign is good. I just have one issue with it now. I like to print off each order and use it as my reference as I’m creating the custom item (I have loads of choices), and then I enclose it as a packing slip. It’s like the order info is in a separate frame and even if I click in that part of the screen, it doesn’t show up in print preview. I can only print the top bar “home”, “store settings” etc. Please tell me I don’t have to start writing down all the details of each order! How can I get it to print out?

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