New tech support format and new helper :)

First of all, I’d like to welcome Michelle of Elemental Muse as the second member of the HC tech support team (the first was me 😉 ). Many of you already know Michelle from her own webhosting/graphic design business. She’s also been helping a lot in the HC Questions and Bugs forum under the username *snowflake*.

With the addition of another support person, I’ve also installed a support ticket generator. What this means is, when you send email to any of the hyenacart emails (support@, karen@, karen2@, and now michelle@), it will go into a queue that both Michelle and I can access to process your request / question. You’ll get an automated reply with a ticket number and we’ll respond to you as soon as we can. I know a lot of times when I email a tech support site and get the “Support ticket #blah” email, it feels to me like, “Yeah, whatever. We’ll answer your question if and when we feel like it.” Please don’t take it this way! It’s just the best and most efficient way for us to organize ourselves and track what questions have and haven’t been answered.

So from here on in, if you have a tech or general HC question, I would appreciate it if you would direct it to one of the email addys listed above, or use this form to put a question into the queue: Conversely, if you have a personal email that you would like to send directly to me, please use my gmail addy at kfegelman at .

I am really excited about this new process. I think it will free up my time to work on bugs and upgrades, and also get you your answers much faster. Please give us a few weeks to work out any kinks in the system. If you’ve emailed and not received a reply within 24 hours, try posting in the HC Questions forum: . Sometimes emails do get eaten.

I’ve got the day off work today to do some bug fighting so hopefully you’ll hear from me soon on what got done today.


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