Hi everyone,
Just wanted to give you a heads up that I will be changing the payment options on HC Standard in the next few days to be compliant with Paypal’s policies.
First of all, I will be removing the “CC Paypal fee” option from the stocking page. It is, in actuality, illegal to charge extra for payments by credit card. In the past, I was willing to allow this option so people had the flexibility to bend the rules in the case of charity, but, really, Paypal is still providing a service in these cases and should be compensated for that service.
Second, I will be removing the option to offer both a funded and cc Paypal payment option. In the future, each listing will only allow one Paypal address. This will also make it less confusing at checkout for customers as there will only be one Paypal button to click and make payment. Whether you use a funded or cc address is up to the size of your business. You can receive up to $500 a month into a personal Paypal account for business or personal transactions. However, if you make more than that a month, or need to be able to accept cc Paypal, then you should upgrade to business or Premier and use that as your *only* account for business (per Paypal policy, you are not allowed to split your received payments between two accounts).
I have heard Paypal referred to as “greedy” for charging these fees. I think anyone who feels this way should take an honest look at how much time and inconvenience both they and their customers save by using Paypal. The alternative is to wait for a check or money order, wait for these funds to clear, make a trip to the bank to deposit these funds… That all seems well worth the fee to me.
Anyway, these changes will be made in the next few days. As the default Paypal address on exisiting listings, I will use the address entered in the “Paypal Addy” field (since some may have left the “CC Paypal addy” field blank).
I’m sorry for any inconvenience this change may cause you, but I think you’ll agree that these changes make sense. You can read an enlightening discussion about this here.