Julia’s sick today, so I’m home with her, helping her lay on the couch and watch TV 😉 But it’s a good thing because I got a lot of little items knocked out today:
- I added a little blurb at the bottom of each store which tells how long you’ve been hosted on HC. Some of you oldies have been around since 2004!
- I made some modifications on HC Multi. There were a lot of errors with the cart from incorrect shipping settings (not setting unused shipping options to 999 and not setting the overall shop config shipping to 0). This was causing the checkout not to function correctly (items were not taken out of stock or shown as paid). I’ve made a few changes that will make this more intuitive. It should be more obvious what’s going on with the shipping charges now, as customers check out from your stores.
- By popular demand, customers can now shop and check out from HC Multi stores without registering for a Hyena Cart account. In addition, they can check out using a credit card or bank account transfer without having a Paypal account. Finally, you may want to look into customizing your checkout page: https://paypal.com/customize . This allows you to change the colors of the PP checkout page and add your logo at the top to make the checkout process more seamless.
- I added a Google search field to the Help pages on the main HC site. This search goes through the content of the informational pages, as well as the forums and all the shop listings. I’m hoping this will make it easier to find the answers to questions like “stocking not showing up on calendar”. Try typing that into the search field on the left here: http://hyenacart.com/more_info.php
- I added stocking times to the daily calendar and made it sortable by bizname, price and stock time: http://hyenacart.com/calendar_day.php . That should make it easier for customers to find your products 🙂
- I also added a “Most Spots” page: http://hyenacart.com/most_spots.php This really showcases some of the most beautiful products at HC 🙂 Unfortunately, some of the images come out a bit distorted or pixelated. That’s because I forced them all to be the same size in order to get the formatting of the page right. If you use larger thumbnail images, that will help with that issue.
I’ve got more I’d like to tackle on President’s day, but we’ll see how it goes. I’m also in the mood for some KSS stuff, so I’m not sure what will win out 😉