Couple more goodies for HC Multi users

First of all — sorry about the down time this afternoon. The database server crashed, but I moved the database over to our new server (something I’ve been meaning to do anyway) so we should be good now.

I have two more goodies for HC Multi users. First — if you go to your orders list, you’ll see a “Download order history” link. This will download your order history to your PC in CSV format. Just in time to do your taxes 😉

The second thing is, there is now a “Show” option when you stock or edit an item. This determines whether or not the item listing shows up in your store. I added it to the multi-edit page too. Hope that gives you more of the functionality you need.

HC Standard users — you’re probably starting to feel left out and neglected. I’ll be getting you up to speed soon. First I need to code the utility so customers can change their email addresses (this has been on my to-do for over a year!) and then it will be your turn.


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